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Jaygen didn’t know why, but he turned and cupped Porter’s face and tilted his face up so he could look into those innocent haunted eyes.

“That’s okay. Arden should have warned you about them or at least limited you to one. The tea clears your mind, but you might still feel a little groggy in the morning,” Jaygen warned.

He was feeling a strange fondness for Porter. The man was calling to Jaygen’s protective side.When was the last time Jaygen had ever wanted to protect anyone?

Jaygen found himself leaning forward but stopped short. Porter’s eyes were wide, and he stared open mouth at Jaygen.What the fuck.Jaygen jerked back as if he’d been burned. He’d nearly scent marked Porter. A thing shifters did to a significant other or people they cared deeply about. It was meant as comfort and protection.

He was losing his shit. Jaygen dropped his hands and gave Porter a nod before he turned away. First it was his tiger taking notice of the human and now Jaygen was losing his mind. Staying away from Porter was going to be his new regiment.

“Come on and I’ll show you to your room,” Jaygen said.

Porter followedJaygen to his new room with his heart in his throat.What the hell had come over him?One minute he was fine and the next he felt the urge to reach out and touch Jaygen, to thank him. But it was more than that. The way Jaygen looked at him, the way he spoke to him, it consumed Porter's thoughts until he shook his head.

No, I don't have time to think like that. I don't even know him.

"Here's your room." Jaygen punched in a code and the door opened before he waved a hand and Porter slipped past him aware of just how close their bodies were to touching. "You can personalize it however you want. I only ask that you leave no holes in the walls or stains in the carpeting. If you need to go shopping, you can either place an order and it will be delivered or someone can escort you out. Humans are welcome in Silvercross City, but it’s not always the safest place for them."

Porter glanced around the room that he'd been admitted into. The place itself was pretty fancy, but the shoebox sized room was only okay. There was a single bed, a dresser, a television and a mirror. Porter opened the closet and saw how empty it was. It was so much different from his home. The lavish room, the extensive wardrobe, his privacy. It was all just...gone.

"Is there a problem?" Jaygen asked and he swore he could hear a slight attitude in his tone. "Accommodations not to your liking?"

"Oh um, nothing like that." Porter turned and rubbed his arm. "Thank you. Is there a bathroom?"

"Yes, right down the hall. Would you like me to show you?"

Porter wanted to say yes, but he also didn't want to be around Jaygen anymore. It was like he could sense Porter's unhappiness. And Porter had no way to express that his sadness had nothing to do with the room that he had been given for free. He couldn't complain about it. But there was so much more beneath the surface that was going on in his mind.

"No, I'm sure I can figure it out."

Jaygen raised a brow, but didn't comment. "There's a kitchen down the hall if you want anything to eat. If you use the last of something, add it to the list on the fridge. And don't go wandering. There are plenty here who would take you for appetizing entertainment."

Porter shuddered. What was that supposed to mean? His eyes widened, but he was too afraid to ask. Who knew what other creatures lurked in these halls? No, if he had to pee he would hold it until morning because he definitely wasn't going to ask Jaygen to hold his hand and take him as if he was a toddler.

"Do you need anything else before I get back to work?"

Porter shook his head. "No, but uh thank you." He glanced around the room before his eyes settled on Jaygen whose eyes seemed to look through him. Suddenly, he felt naked and crossed his arms in front of his body. "My bag?"

Jaygen stepped out and returned promptly with his duffle bag. He sat it on the bed and fixed Porter with one more look before he straightened up.

"Remember what I said about lying."

Before Porter could respond Jaygen strolled out of the door and disappeared leaving him on his own. He suddenly felt more alone being by himself. The sounds from the bar below were extinguished and all he could hear was the beating of his heart as it continued to pound out of control even after Jaygen was long gone.

He sat on the bed and groaned, flopping back onto the thick blanket. "What am I doing here?"

Now that his head was clear again, he was starting to wonder if he had lost his mind. A host bar. This wasn't the place for someone like him. Porter had been taught to fight, to kill, to manipulate, but he was a pale comparison to his father. That man could charm someone out of their life's savings and they would thank him for the chance. Porter knew he was nowhere near his father.

A pathetic imitation.

Porter didn't bother taking off his clothes. Instead, he crawled underneath the heavy, blue blanket. As soon as his head touched the pillow the night's events mixed with years of torture, neglect and loneliness overwhelmed him. He buried his face against the pillowcase, sobbing until there wasn't a tear left before he passed out, still doubting everything around him.

Porter woke up feeling fuzzy,just like Jaygen said he would. He rubbed at his head and realized the wig had fallen off. Sighing, he plopped it on the nightstand and climbed out of bed, disgusted by the way his mouth tasted and how gross he felt after sweating and going right to bed.

Shower first and then a nice cup of coffee and something to eat.

He dug around in his bag for something to wear and settled on a pair of shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt that hugged his body tightly. Porter couldn't decide whether or not to keep the wig and makeup. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to recognize who he was. What if one of these people knew his father? The man's pockets were deep and if anyone found out Porter was a runaway Manetti, they’d get the reward of a lifetime for turning him in.

"It should be okay. It's early. I think." Porter glanced around the room, but there were no clocks and he didn't have a phone. "Just going to the bathroom and back. Then I'll get dressed up."

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