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Porter propped open the door to his room with one of his shoes. Hopefully Jaygen would give him a code today. He glanced at the man's door briefly and wondered if he was inside, still asleep. Porter pulled himself away and walked down the hall in search of the bathroom.

Porter slid along the wall carefully until he found the bathroom. At least it was pretty open and he could run if he had to. After all, he was among creatures that could eat him for breakfast. The bathroom was a nice size and decorated in light greys and soft pastels. He laid his change of clothes on the counter and stripped out of the skirt and blouse from the night before.

Normally, a bath would be heaven, but he was too hungry to sit and enjoy it. Instead, he turned on the shower and went on the hunt for shampoo and soap. When he opened the little closet there was a note taped to the inside of the door with his name on it. He peeled it off carefully and opened it.

I took the liberty of putting essentials in the brown basket. You should have everything you need, but if you don't, ask and I'll see what I can do. -Jaygen

Even his handwriting was perfect and slanted as if he practiced calligraphy to get it wonderfully precise. Porter laid the note on the counter and pulled out the big basket. There were towels, sponges, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a toothbrush and a new tube of toothpaste as well. There were even some pain pills and a bottle of water that he was sure was for his groggy head. Porter took them right away not even caring what they were. As long as they made him feel halfway human again he was happy.

Porter grabbed what he needed and made a beeline for the comforting heat of the shower. As soon as the water hit his skin he melted, leaning against the tiled wall as he sighed. Porter closed his eyes and his sister immediately filled his mind. He was sure she wasn't hearing the end of their father's rage right now and she was probably worried sick about Porter. But she had to know that him keeping his head down wouldn’t have worked for long. Shit, it hadn’t worked for a very long time.

Still the guilt of leaving his sister without telling her ate at him. There had to be a way to reach out to Amy without his father finding out.Maybe he could find a random phone that nobody could trace. A burner.

Porter quickly remembered that he didn't have a dime to his name. It was too dangerous to use anyone's phone from the bar. For now, there was nothing he could do until he started working and earned himself some money. The last few dollars he had would have to be stored in case of emergency. It wouldn’t get him far, but it was better than spending the last of what he had on a phone right now.

With new determination, he climbed out of the shower and dried off before he brushed his teeth. It wasn't a moment too soon either. Porter's stomach growled so loudly his cheeks burned even though he was alone. He hadn't even eaten the day before. When his father came home, he never did. How could he keep food down when his nerves were always all over the place?

Porter opened the door to the bathroom as he cradled his dirty clothes in his arms. The only thing he could focus on was food now. Until he bumped into something.

"Ow!" Porter rubbed his forehead and glared up at the guy in front of him.

"New girl. Boy. Girl?" The guy in front of him grinned and Porter felt his body heat all over. "Funny, I'm getting all kinds of readings off of you."

"Readings?" Porter asked, still confused and ready to flee. "What are you talking about? And I'm a guy. Mostly."

The truth was that Porter didn't give a shit about gender. While he liked being a guy, it didn't matter to him if someone called him a woman or thought he was a mix of both. Or nothing. As far as he could tell, he was genderfluid or as he'd told Jaygen the night before, he was a pretty boy.

"Yes, readings." The guy looked him up and down then back up again. "And you smell...amazing."

Porter's eyes went wide as saucers. "Are you something that's going to eat me?"

The guy blinked before he burst out laughing. "Oh, honey, yes. But not in the way that you think." A finger ran along the line of Porter's jaw. He was so transfixed by those sultry brown eyes that he couldn't even move. "Would you like to find out?"

What was Porter supposed to say to that? He knew the answer should be no, but damn the stranger was beautiful. He was so tall, slender with dark almond eyes and pink pouty lips. His black hair stopped short at his shoulders and he was draped in a silky white robe and wide black pants. As Porter glanced down he noticed the robe was sheer, showing off two pert, brown nipples.

"Cyrus," a deep voice growled and Porter glanced over to see Arden coming to his rescue. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

Cyrus stopped touching Porter and tapped his own chin. "I did, until I met this little morsel." He reached out a hand, but Arden's deep, grumbling growl made him pause. "Oh, I'm only playing." Cyrus flashed Arden a smile and touched his chest. "I just want to be fed. Will you feed me instead then?"

"Go." Arden sighed. "Now. Before I find a way to punish you-"


"-That you won't enjoy. Goodbye, Cyrus."

Cyrus sighed and pouted at Porter. "Too bad. Maybe another time, human."

"I-it's Porter."

"Another time then, Porter." Cyrus dragged his name out slowly and it conjured up images of his tongue wrapping around Porter's cock. Cyrus blew him a kiss and walked off down the hall looking almost ethereal in the way he moved, hips swinging, ass undeniably tight and tempting.

"Jaygen didn't warn you not to wander?"

Porter shook his head. Once he closed his eyes and opened them again, the spell was broken. He glanced up at Arden and quickly nodded.

"He did and I wasn't. I took a shower and Cyrus was waiting for me, I guess. Which, you know, creepy."

Arden shrugged. "It's who he is. I’ll have a talk with him though." He handed Porter a slip of paper. "This is the code to your room. I really don't want you wandering around until I have a talk with everyone."
