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Arden chuckled. "Yes, yes you do."

Cyrus watched Porter stride toward Foi's room before he smiled. His men were insane, but for some reason, it worked. Jaygen chatted with Arden quietly as Cyrus got back to work. When he turned to face them, Arden was nodding before he walked off.

"Where's he going?" Cyrus asked.

"He said he had to make a phone call." Jaygen pulled Cyrus against his body. "Are you ready to go?"

Cyrus nodded. "All boxes, suitcases, and containers are accounted for. The movers are loading them up now."

"Good." The tiger grabbed his chin and Cy's knees automatically tried to turn to jelly. "Did you get that creature our mate calls his pet?"

Laughing, he shook his head. "I think Porter was looking for him earlier, but Spooky has been following Arden around lately. I think he has a bit of a crush. He gives him the biggest doe eyes."

The uptick of Jaygen's lips was a blessing that made Cyrus's cheeks burn. He could look at that face every single day and he fully planned on doing just that.

"Porter might be magic," the tiger mused. "He made all of us fall for him and now Arden is getting drooled over."

Cyrus chuckled. "Can you blame Micha and Spooky? Arden's hot!"

The tiger growled and Cy shivered. "Look here, little nymph. I might share you with the others, but watch yourself. You're still ours and ours only."

Jaygen's possessive growl made Cyrus's cock twitch to life. The man knew how to get to him. He reached out and laid a hand on Jaygen's chest.

"Yes, Sir," Cyrus purred. "I'm all of yours and no one else's."

The hazy look in Jaygen's eyes was a pleasant little treat that sent currents of electricity up his spine. Just like that he could see the tiger's hunger and knew that when they reached Oxdale he would feel that fire first hand.

"Ozni, take Cyrus and make sure everything we need done is finalized."

The daywalker grunted and stepped beside them. Jaygen's lips stole a kiss right along with his ability to breathe before he pulled away and strolled to Foi's room. Cy's heart was still fluttering as he turned around and fanned himself.

"He's too hot," Cy sighed. "I'm going to cream my panties and he hasn't even touched me."

Oz snorted. "Don't be disgusting." He held a hand out toward the incubus. "Let's finish before Jaygen loses his patience."

Cyrus took his hand and laid his head on the vampire's arm. "He's had a lot more of it recently, don't you think?"

Jaygen had calmed down a bit. He was still as meticulous, organized, and controlling as always, but... there were changes. The man laughed more, he could resist cleaning up for at least five minutes when they were done eating or having sex, and he wasn't as annoyed with Foi. Sure, all of that went out the window when that one eye started to twitch, but he was trying.

They walked downstairs together and stepped out into the host bar. It was quiet for now, silently slumbering before the rush of customers that would enter the doors that night. Cyrus froze and glanced around, his eyes starting to water.

"What's wrong?"

Cy glanced up at Oz. "It's like abandoning our home," he choked on a chuckle that sounded more like a sob. "I can't believe we're leaving this place behind."

Ozni turned him around and cradled his cheeks. The big man frowned as he peered down at him. Without even saying a word, Cy felt the comfort coming from him and his tears slowed.

"We're making a new home," Oz said. "And we'll help supernaturals like us."

Cyrus nodded and slowly started to smile as Oz swiped the tears from his cheeks. "Yeah," he whispered. "Yeah, you're right! We're going to help people like Arden helped us."

"Exactly." Ozni leaned down and kissed Cyrus's forehead. "I love you, Cy."

Oh, the incubus felt like his heart was going to explode. He held onto Oz's shirt so tightly he was afraid he would rip it. It didn't matter how many times Oz said he loved him in the course of their lives, he would always react the exact same way.

"I love you too," he whispered before he wrapped his arms around Oz's neck. "Always."

When they pulled apart, Cyrus's tears were gone. He gave one last glance around the bar and smiled at the memories they'd formed there: Oz's transformation from living in the shadows to being stuck to his side, the first time Jaygen had scolded him to the tiger worrying about his feelings, Foi's disdain before it turned into undying affection, and finally Porter walking into the host bar looking like a lost lamb before they realized how strong the human really was.
