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Every bit of common sense in Cyrus's head, and there wasn't much, disappeared. His hands gripped Porter's plump ass before their lips crashed together. Cyrus was sostarved.He hadn't had a meal in weeks and it was hard to hold back as Porter's tongue explored his mouth. He rolled his hips up and Porter moaned, making a shiver run through Cyrus’s body.

Porter was so hot against him that as he pushed himself up slightly Cyrus was hard pressed to follow. Just one little taste and he was hooked. He knew he should take control and get away from Porter before things got any worse but all thought vanished as Porter ground his hips down on Cyrus’s lap. His cock hardened, painfully confided in his clothes.

It was dangerous, too dangerous. Porter would see him. Therealhim He never cared about it with certain people, the ones that wouldn’t survive or the supernaturals that knew what he was. But only one of the host workers had seen him. Everyone else? No, there was no way.

"Wait." Cyrus gripped Porter’s hips tightly. "Porter," he panted, shaking his head. "No."

Porter blinked lazily, still captured in Cyrus’s pheromones. His kiss swollen lips dipped down in a frown. "No?"

Behind his eyes was disappointment. They were still glassy, but some of the effects were wearing off. Porter climbed off of Cyrus, his face flushed. Cyrus grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"It's not that I don't want you, because I do." He breathed. "Do you know how gorgeous you are? How interesting I think you are? But I can't-"

Porter glanced at him. "Do you just say that to everyone? Is that part of your incubus thing?" He pulled his hand free. "Nevermind."

Cyrus frowned. "I don't say that to everyone," he said quietly.

"It's a very fun parlor trick though, right? Make someone all dizzy for you, start touching them and then dismiss them? Does that make them want you more?" Porter scoffed. "Is that fun for you?"

Anger flashed through Cyrus before he swallowed it down quickly. It wouldn't do if he shifted into his true form and ripped Porter to pieces. Besides, why was he letting some human get him riled up? The human shouldn’t mean anything to him...

Cyrus stood up and adjusted his clothes. He tucked his hair back up into a bun before he nodded toward the clothes on the bed. He'd had a vision for Porter; cute glasses, a red bralette to peek out of the top, the same color stockings for his slender legs. There had even been heels and a few packaged wigs that he thought Porter would like, but he was no longer in the mood to play dressup.

"I hope you find something you like. Perhaps you should work with someone else tonight. My apologies for...all of this."

Cyrus turned on his heels and strolled out of the room. He took a moment to lean against it, sucking in a deep breath to steady himself. His fangs wanted to poke free, same with the wings, horns, and claws. Cyrus had never been so...angry. Everyone called him a whore and he got that, it wasn't something he was ashamed of. But Porter had been out for blood with each and every word he’d spoken and it felt like he had been torn to pieces without ever being touched.

Calm, Cyrus. Never let anyone see that side of you again. Ever.

Cyrus pushed himself from the door and went back into his room shutting the door a little too hard so that it rattled the frame. He had money to make. A job to do.

Emotions were for the weak. That's why he was sure sex and only sex was superior. It was theonlyway to live for a monster like him.

Downstairs at the bar,Foi swallowed back two shots, just enough to loosen up but not enough that he wouldn’t be aware. He fixed his cufflinks for the third time since putting them on. He hated being in a full suit but at least his loyal customers had chosen the title of boss for him.

“You should really button those up, it’s unprofessional,” Jaygen grumbled.

Foi growled in warning not that the damn feline ever cared. He was so fucking annoying with his handsome face and too well put together attitude. Foi just wanted to mess up Jaygen’s perfectly styled hair and laugh in his face.

“I know what I’m doing, my customers love this,” Foi said.

Jaygen barely graced him with a glance as he ordered his own drink from the bar.

“You’re working with Porter today, correct?”

Oh yeah.The human was supposed to be Foi’s secretary. He wondered what he’d come down wearing. He bet it was just as tempting as Porter's other outfits.

"Jealous?" Foi taunted.

"Hardly. Just make sure you keep him on track and no one does anything to him," Jaygen said.

So far, the clients hadn't tried anything with Porter. Granted they hadn't let him handle any customers alone but one could never be too careful. Paranormal Guilty Delights had a lot of different supernatural creatures as well as humans and not everyone who walked through the doors of the bar followed the rules.

"Worried about someone other than yourself for once?" Foi grumbled.

Jaygen said nothing as he walked away, not falling for Foi's bait. That ticked Foi off even more. He ordered another shot before the doors of the bar opened and customers made their way inside. Foi closed his eyes momentarily as he grounded himself and pulled up the boss he was supposed to play. Of course, how he acted wasn't too far off of who he was. It's how they kept customers coming back, mix a little truth in with the lie and people were more likely to believe it's authentic.

“Mr. Wolf, I’ve brought the clients over,” Porter said in the sweetest voice ever. For him being a human, he sure knew how to draw people in. Foi’s eyes kept getting drawn to the red bralette that was visible through Porter’s shirt. Without thought, he took Porter’s hand in his and pulled him slightly. A gentle tug and the human floundered before he fell into Foi’s lap.
