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“Whatever you were thinking, do it,” Cy begged.

That wasn’t possible, but Foi said nothing and he flicked his finger against Cy’s hard length and was rewarded with a drop of precome. He scooped it up and placed his finger in his mouth groaning around the heady taste before turning away from Cy. The incubus shouted for him to come back but Foi just ignored him. Jaygen was done cleaning, so they left Cy to his own devices. Foi’s cock was hard again, but he felt lighter. His wolf wasn’t trying to tear out of him and fight for control.

It was going to be a long fucking night of his cock in his hand.

Porter pokedhis head out of his room and looked around. For once, the hallways were empty. None of the guys, no Arden, and none of the other hosts. Good. He slipped out and closed his door slowly, wincing when it clicked shut.

He wasn't avoiding them per se, he just didn't want to see anyone. Or hear any platitudes. Or see that sad, pity-filled look in their eyes for the life that he had lived up until this point. It was too much. Porter wanted to be left alone.

"Mornin'," Arden greeted when he walked into the kitchen. "Haven't seen you in a few days. Are you planning on working anytime soon?"

Porter groaned. "I'll work tonight."

"Sure you're up to it?" Arden poured himself a huge mug of coffee and downed half of it all while keeping his eyes trained on Porter.

"What is that supposed to mean? I said I'd work so I'll work."

"There's no need to get snippy with me." Arden grumbled. "I was...worried about you." He looked away and Porter could see the words that were left unsaid hanging in the air. "I'll let you get your breakfast."

Arden strolled past him and Porter hung his head.Great, feel like a bigger piece of shit now.The guilt he felt for snapping at Arden only made his irritation grow. Porter poured himself a cup of coffee and downed some of the black liquid before he gagged.

"That tastes like shit." He poured a ton of cream and sugar into his mug and tasted it before he sat it down and began working on breakfast for himself.

Porter hadn't eaten for the past few days. Everytime he was even remotely hungry, he slipped downstairs and helped himself to a good, stiff drink before he was right back in his room. But now he couldn't ignore the growling in his stomach or the queasy feeling.

He settled for a sandwich and a sports drink, something to fuel him and at least keep him from passing out. Porter scarfed it down, too hungry to smuggle it back to his room. That was a mistake. As soon as he got up to put his plate in the sink, Cyrus breezed through the door.

"Hey there, darling!" Cy lit up and grinned at him. "I was wondering when you were going to come out of that room. I have so much to tell you."

"Not now," Porter grumbled, putting his plate in the sink before he remembered Jaygen and frowned. Jaygen could get over it. He didn't feel like doing a damn thing. "I'm going back to my room."

Cy reached out and laid a hand on his chest, a frown tugging at his plump lips. "But...I haven't seen you in days. I...I missed you, Porter."

Porter's heart swelled, but he quickly looked away. It didn't matter if Cyrus missed him. He had told them the truth, his sordid little details that stayed burned into his memory. Porter was convinced that was all that they could see now. A pathetic, weak excuse of a human who couldn't even defend himself; a victim.

I should go home.

Porter took Cy's hand off of his chest. "Please don't touch me."

Cyrus's frown deepened. "What? Y-you don't want me to touch you?"


Cy's shoulders sagged and his eyes turned to look at the floor. "Oh, well okay. I respect that. I’ll keep my hands to myself."

"Porter." Jaygen stared at him. Porter's name was practically growled out and he glanced up to see Oz and Foi behind him, crowding the door and being intrusive as usual. "Why are you treating him like that?"

"Like what?" Porter challenged. "All I said was that I didn't want anyone touching me. I think I'm allowed to have that."

"You are," Jaygen shot back. "But you don't have to be cruel about it. And you can stop with the self-loathing nonsense."

Porter bristled. All of his anger and bravado was quickly laid bare. He didn't want them to touch someone like him. He didn't want to matter to them. Because Porter knew the truth.

He did not matter.

Porter knew who he wassupposedto be and he knew what he was. He wasn't the hyper masculine son his father wanted, he wasn't a leader, a boss. No, Porter wasn't even a man. Just a boy that toed the line between genders and constantly disappointed everyone around him. And now there was the threat of his father finding him and everyone he had started to form a bond with and cared about was in danger.

"Leave me alone." Porter walked past Jaygen and felt a hand grip his arm. "Let go of me!"
