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The sightbefore him was playing out in slow motion and every cry that left Porter's lips tore at the seams of Ozni's very soul. It was as if all of them were in utter shock. A ferocious growl penetrated the air and Ozni didn't even need to turn and see who exactly had let out such a sound. He heard the bones breaking and reforming with a crackling pop. Jaygen was too in control of himself at all times; only one of them was always on the edge of insanity. He knew it had to be Foi. Their wild wolf, the one who adored their fragile human.

Ozni couldn't even blame the wolf. There was a rule in the club — no shifting around customers but it was Porter who was being hurt.Their little human.Ozni paused. At what point had he started to think of Porter as his? Sure he thought the human was beautiful and damn-near irresistible but Ozni was a monster, not worthy of truly holding something so delicate.

The daywalker quickly shook his head; he didn't have time to delve into his own thoughts. He turned and caught sight of Arden holding down a shifted Foi and a pissed-off Jaygen near him.

"We cannot start a war with humans," Arden said.

It didn’t matter that they were the ones attacking a paranormal bar. The media would only see one thing: supes out of control and wreaking havoc. That they were all the monsters the stories said they were.

With Ozni's enhanced hearing, he understood the man loud and clear even with them being so far apart. Ozni's teeth shifted to the sharp razors meant for shredding the flesh of his prey.What were they supposed to do? Leave Porter to be beaten and taken away from them?

Porter had confided in them about his past and Ozni would be damned if he allowed the human to go back to such a life. Porter was so sweet and Ozni never wanted to see the smile on the human’s face dim, if he could help it.

Ozni rarely used compulsion; it always made him feel sick after but Porter was worth every ounce of discomfort. He didn't ask permission and he didn't hesitate once he had a plan in mind.

His heart begged for him to go for the man Porter had called father first but he knew better. Gabriel Manetti was entirely too important, his men would jump at Ozni the moment they noticed him going for Gabriel.

It hurt to turn away from Porter and leave him to Gabriel’s harsh words and cruel fists.Soon my delicate flower. Ozni would keep the promise to himself; he’d save Porter and he’d make sure Gabriel didn’t end up taking him away.

Ozni, always a part of the shadows, sank into them further as he moved over to Cy and Porter's table. He caught Cy's attention first and pulled the incubus away along with the four men that had been standing near him. There was a smug smile on their faces as if they knew no one there at PGD would interfere. It only pissed Ozni off even more. They'd been ready to attack if need be. But he was a vampire, he was stronger and faster than most.

Ozni wanted nothing more than to rip them all to shreds and bathe in their blood, but he held himself back. Just barely. He allowed his eyes to shift and his power to flow to the forefront of his mind. He captured all four of their surprised gazes and had them locked in a trance within seconds before they could even reach for their weapons.

"You are mine to command," Ozni said.

The men went completely slack, their gaze's going blank. "Yours to command," they uttered in unison.

Ozni's stomach rolled with revulsion but he pushed past it. "Forget ever coming to PGD and never return. You wanted to head to the bar on the east side of town but forgot something important at home." Ozni had learned that if he left little gaps and allowed people to come up with their own thoughts the compulsion stuck longer and overwrote their memory a lot better than if he came up with every fine detail.

"Yes," they said in unison.

Ozni turned to Cy, who still looked shaken and confused. His brown eyes were trained on Porter and his father. “I..I ne—help.”

Cy’s mouth opened and closed as he stammered the words. Ozni felt for the soft incubus, he knew he had to be feeling helpless and lost.

"Cy," Ozni called.

The incubus ignored him and even took a step toward the altercation. Ozni grabbed his arm tightly before he could even make it to them. He lightly shook Cy and turned him away from the gruesome sight. Time was of the essence. It felt as if hours had passed but it had probably been no more than a few minutes, if that.

"We are going to help him. Take these men out of the club and don't hurt them or leave anything on them that would indicate that they came here. Take the club card from them as well. They only need to have what I'm compelling them to think happened in their heads," Ozni instructed.

Cy's eyes watered and his soft pouty lips turned down into a frown. "But—"

Ozni glared at Cy. "No." He kissed Cy quickly and harshly. "Do as I ask, please Cyrus."

Ozni turned to face Porter and his father; the man was oblivious to anything that was happening around him as he punched Porter once again in the face. There was a cruel smile on his lips as he painted his fist with his own son's blood.

Gabriel laughed as Porter cried more. “You’re such a worthless bitch. Should have fucking sold you years ago.”

Ozni clenched his jaw just as Gabriel cocked his fist back once more to lay into Porter. No. He couldn’t take another second of this.

Ozni was there. He caught the man's wrist in his hand and squeezed tightly. He could feel the bones and the thought of crushing the man's wrist was all too tempting.

"Who the fu—"

Ozni made sure to leave no bruises as he turned the man and locked eyes with him. His power flowed with ease. "Your night out was interrupted and you realized you needed to stay home. PGD is a place you would never visit."

Ozni reluctantly let the man go, although he wanted to kill him.
