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“Wait until I’m done talking before you react,” he said. “Yes, I’m getting married. But it’s not what you think. This place needs a leader and the only way to do that is to get married. My old friend Justice and I will have a small, private ceremony before I turn over control to her and her girlfriend. They’ve always wanted children and I’ve agreed to be their sperm donor since I want nothing to do with kids.” He looked at each of them. “We’ll be married in name only as a way for her to rule. My mother trusts her and I do as well. Justice has pulled my ass out of the fire more times than once and she’s an excellent leader. I’m happy to step aside and never have to fulfill that role.”

“Why?” Micha asked. “Wouldn’t you want power?”

Arden scoffed. “No. I’ve seen what power does to people. What I had back then…before I left…” He trailed off as he stared off into the distance. Bash cleared his throat and he shook his head. “Back then, I was a different man than I am now. War changes people, sometimes in the worst ways. I-I can’t go into the details of it all, not now. Maybe not ever,” he said, a dark cloud settling over his features. “But it was bad. The things I did? I felt like I should have been killed for them a long time ago.”

“Don’t say that,” Eldon stressed. “I’m sure what you did was-”

Arden waved him away. “Don’t give me theyou did what you had to dotalk. I’ve heard it many times over many years. But that doesn’t change facts.” He glanced up at them. “So yes I’m getting married. And I hope none of you has a problem with that because this is the only thing I could think of to save my home. And keep all of you.”

“Keep us?” Micha whispered. “What does that mean?”

His heart pounded in his chest. Leave it to Micha toneedthe words. Ones that made his tongue feel like it was weighed down. Spooky crawled over to him and then up into his lap. Arden didn’t push him away and the cat familiar pressed his face into the man’s neck.

“What does that mean?” Spooky repeated. “We just want to know where we stand.”

They have every right to know.

"It means all of you are my mates,” he ground out. “No idea why or how that happened but,” he blew out a breath, “you’re mine. And I’m yours, I suppose.”

Eldon’s eyes widened. “Wow.”

“Even me?” Bash asked as he stood up and started pacing.

“Yes,” Arden nodded. “Even you.”

“Does that mean like…we’re dating?” Gamble asked.

Arden groaned. “I don’t know.”

“We’re going steady or something, huh?” Gamble prodded. “Where’s our promise rings? And does this mean all of us gets more dick? Because I could use more dick.”

Spooky squirmed on Arden’s lap. “Oooh me too!” He pulled back and gave Arden a lusty gaze. “Could we start in on the whole more dick thing right now? Please?”

Arden growled. “Will you two shut up?” he said, but his face told a different tale. The way his mouth curved up into a grin was a dead giveaway. “But you’re all…okay with this?” he asked as he looked at the others. Gamble and Spooky were clearly on board, but the rest of them? Well, he needed toknowwhere they were with the whole situation.

“Eldon?” Arden called.

The vampire walked over to him and pushed his fingers into Arden’s hair. “You should know by now that I would follow you anywhere. So, if you say that you have to get married for your family, but you still want all of us? Of course, I’m okay with that.”

“You couldn’t tell that?” Gamble scoffed. “Eldon’s been following you around like a lost puppy for ages. He does everything for you.”

Arden tilted his head at him. “I had my head up my ass for a while there, but yes, I noticed all you did for me, Eldon. I’ve always appreciated it.”

The vampire gazed away, his bashful expression tugging on Arden’s heartstrings even more. When he turned back around, he bit his bottom lip.

“Like I said; wherever you lead, I’ll follow.”

That loyalty was like a breath of fresh air. Eldon had always been on his side, supporting him even when he was a million miles away. Something about that made Arden’s heart squeeze. Eldon would never leave his side. None of them would. He had to be better for all of them.

“Bash? Micha?” Arden asked as he stood up and pulled Eldon against his right side while Spooky clung to his left. “What about you two?”

Bash grunted. “You’re a pain in the ass, but you’re hot and I like fucking you.” He shrugged. “I don’t know about feelings, but when I think about leaving you, it makes me want to put someone’s face through a brick wall.”

Arden snorted. “Violent, but understandable. I feel the same way about you.”

Bash was the first one to see him in ways he hadn’t allowed anyone else to. And he never would have opened up without the big, brash bear there pushing him. They were like two bulls locking horns, but it worked for them.

“Micha?” Arden asked.

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