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The angel gazed away from them and Arden’s stomach churned. He’d caught a glance before Micha lifted his wing and wrapped it around himself, hiding his face.Did Micha not feel the same way about them? Could his instincts have been wrong?

Arden pulled away from Spooky and Eldon and walked over to Micha. He caressed those silken, soft feathers and a shudder rippled over them. Micha lowered one wing, an eye exposed as he gazed back at the dragon before him.

“I-I don’t know,” Micha whispered. He sucked in a breath and Arden heard the way it wavered. “I like all of you, I do,” he said as he gazed around the room. “But I don’t know. I need time to think. Can I have that?”

Arden gently pushed Micha’s wing down completely and tugged him into his muscled arms. He held onto Micha tightly.Oh, his damaged little birdie. He felt Micha grabbing him as if he was holding on for dear life. When he finally pulled back, he lifted Micha’s head and brushed away the tear that tracked down his beautifully freckled cheek.

“Of course, you can,” he said. “I feel like you’re my mate, but if that’s not what you want you can walk away. It’s your choice.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over Micha’s. “But I’ll never stop caring about you. So, take your time.”

Once upon a time, Arden would never have been able to be so gentle with Micha. But now? It was as if that big, bold wall had come crumbling down.

Their kiss sent electricity jolting down Arden’s spine. Micha needed to think, but he knew the truth was that they were meant to be together.

If he couldn’t convince Micha of that…

Dread rolled around in his belly and he held onto Micha more tightly. Arden had to do everything in his power to show the angel just how much he adored him.

Mate!It had to be wrong. Micha didn’t deserve to be anyone's mate. That wasn’t a title meant for him. No mate would do what he’d done. But there was no denying his unbearable need for Arden or the way being in the big dragon’s arms set his soul at ease. Micha squeezed his eyes shut trying his hardest to turn his brain off.

He rolled over and his heart leapt in his ribcage as he looked up into Arden’s sleeping face. There had been a reason he was turned the other way, but with his thoughts scattered, Micha had forgotten that Arden was right behind him in the ginormous bed.

Unable to resist, he reached out, a slight tremble to his fingers. Micha traced along the sharp plains of Arden’s face. His jaw and the stubble there tickled the pads of his fingers, his nose, and his lips. Micha shivered at the memory of those very lips, the ones that had been on Micha not too long ago. The very same lips that had made him beg and had given him pleasure.

The very same lips that had told Micha he was one of five mates. A shuddering breath left him as he pulled his hand away and clutched it close to his chest.

Micha sat up and slipped from between Arden and Gamble. The witch instantly scooted back, snuggling into Arden’s chest. Micha’s heart fluttered as he stared at the bed. Eldon lay next to Spooky who was practically draped over Bash, his hand touching Arden’s shoulder. Arden was in the middle and Gamble was now in Micha’s spot. Everything in Micha said to climb back into the bed and never leave them. But the other part, the one riddled with guilt and confusion, said he needed to leave and walk out of their lives before he fucked up their happiness.

A lone tear rolled down his cheek and he angrily swiped it away. He found his suitcase and slipped on a shirt and a pair of jeans. Micha made sure not to make a single sound as the others slept. He peeked over his shoulder and not one of them moved.

Slipping out of the room was a lot easier than Micha had expected. He walked the corridors unsure of which way to go but unwilling to go back and lay down. He wasn't getting any sleep anytime soon not until he came up with an answer. He found himself in one of the various rooms of the palace. It was empty except for a single grand piano that took up the left corner.

The ceilings were high, and when Micha squinted, he could make out dragons some in flight, some fighting, and some sitting there proudly. He wanted to fly up and see it closer but he shook his head. He checked his surroundings again before he found a door that lead to a private balcony.

Wind rushed over him and Micha sucked in the pure air. He closed his eyes as he unfurled his wings and dreamed of flying. For a moment everything that weighed Micha down dissipated and he lost himself in his imagination. But that was short-lived as guilt brought him right back down to Earth.

Mich pulled out his phone and called the one person he knew he needed to speak to. It went straight to voicemail and Micha groaned. He sent a message but that wasn’t enough. He needed to talknow.

Pacing back and forth on the balcony, his mind was pure chaos as he tried to come up with answers on his own. He bet Eldon wouldn't have any troubles. He'd choose Arden hands down even knowing what Micha knew. Spooky was team Arden and he'd made that clear to Micha before. He wasn't sure what Gamble or Bash would do but he got the distinct feeling they'd both stick by Arden as well. Michawantedto stick by Arden.

The nephilim tried again to reach his savior. The phone rang four times before going to voicemail for the tenth time. Micha wanted to scream as his frustration built.

Before Micha knew it the sun was breaking over the horizon. He squinted as the light blinded him momentarily. It would be a beautiful sight if Micha could enjoy it. The mountains and trees he'd never seen before loomed above everything else. The ancient buildings in the distance spoke of untold history that he wanted to crawl into Arden’s lap and ask him all about.

He should go back to Arden and tell him everything but then what about the man who’d saved him? Micha grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pulled. The pain did little to clear his mind.

A heavy sigh escaped him. Micha shoved the phone in his pocket and took one more glance at the sky before he went back inside. Micha headed toward the room. No doubt the others would get suspicious if he stayed away too much longer. Maybe that’s what he wanted deep down. They needed to see how dirty and broken he was. That way Arden could shove him away now and no one would be hurt.


A small cry broke free and Micha quickly covered his mouth as he tried to take in a deep breath. His chest felt as if someone was trying to rip his heart out. He didn't want Arden or any of the others to push him away. How fucked in the head could Micha get? How could he expect them to still want him knowing he was betraying them? He leaned against the wall trying to do his breathing exercises.

“It’s so good you came by, Janek. I know Justice will be pleased especially with the announcement,” Ezra said.

Micha kept his eyes closed breathing but the moment he heardthatvoice all thought stopped.

“Yes, my sister marrying the prince of dragons is wondrous. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. After all, I was under the impression that Ardoneous would never come back to Havenwood.”

Ezra laughed as Micha opened his eyes. There was no way; he had to be hearing things. The sound of approaching footsteps made him tense up. There was no mistaking that voice.
