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“Bash, please go check with Arden. I would message him but the chance of him seeing it is slim.”

Bash finally tore his gaze away from the dragon shifter. He stared at Gamble as if he’d lost his mind. Gamble’s blank mask cracked slightly, and he smirked at the bear shifter. “Don’t tell me you’re worried.”

The bear shifter growled. “Gamble.”

He communicated with his eyes the best way he could, letting Bash know he could handle himself. Gamble might not have the will to kill or torture, but he could defend PGD. If he couldn’t, Arden wouldn’t have ever trusted him to be head of security.

Bash nodded and eyed Ezra once more before he left.

“Is he always that grumpy?” Ezra asked.

Gamble wanted to sayfuck off, but he kept his face impassive. “Step to the side, sir.”

Ezra looked at the door and then Gamble.

“Don’t try it,” Gamble warned.

A sparkle twinkled in Ezra’s eyes, and Gamble knew the dragon was going to do just that. It was as if all shifters had the inability to follow the rules from anyone they considered less than. Ezra took half a step before Gamble’s magic wrapped around him.

His bond with Spooky gave him a better handle on his magic; it was at his fingertips, and there was even more to play with. Ezra froze in place as his eyes went glassy. Gamble created an illusion of Ezra on a deserted island. Instead of him trying to swim like he’d done to Arden, the man turned in circles; no doubt confused about how he’d gotten there.

Gamble used more of his magic to make it look as if Ezra wasn’t there, and only those who really concentrated would be able to pick him out. But with most of the customers itching to get inside, he doubted anyone would notice the dragon shifter running circles as he attempted to get off the makeshift island Gamble concocted.

Gamble let his shoulders drop as he turned to the people in line. It was time for PGD to open its doors. He gave his best customer service smile and let the first few in once he checked their names and IDs. He did his usual, and it took no time at all for Bash to come back. He expected the bear shifter to be alone, but Arden was only a few steps behind him.

The glare on Bash’s face made Gamble’s stomach flip, and he wanted to both run and poke the bear all over again.

“Where is he?” Arden asked.

Gamble squinted up at the dragon. “A heads up would have been nice.”

Arden growled, and Gamble’s entire body heated up. Yeah, he might have some issues.

“Gamble, where is Ezra?”

“Over there,” Gamble said. Pointing to the area where Ezra still ran in circles.

Arden squinted his eyes. “Fuck. You didn’t.” Arden grabbed Gamble and pulled him away from the line. Luckily Bash took his spot. “Break the spell now.”

Gamble cocked a brow. “I was doing my job.”

Arden didn’t seem too angry with him, but he still looked expectantly at Gamble.


Before Gamble could break the spell, Arden grabbed his chin, turning his back to the line so no one could see what he was doing to Gamble. He lowered his head and whispered loud enough that Gamble could hear him.

“It’s yes sir and if I have to correct you again, Gamble, I will in fact be making your ass a nice lovely shade of red.” Arden let him go but not before shutting Gamble’s mouth. “Now free my brother.”

Gamble’s cock was painfully hard and his brain was fried. It took him a few seconds of Arden staring at him for him to act. He snapped his fingers and pulled the illusions away.

Ezra blinked, and his eyes shifted instantly into slits as he took a step toward Gamble. Arden’s arm shot out and blocked his way in a flash.

The words that came out of Ezra’s mouth didn’t sound like any language that Gamble had ever heard. It sounded like violent growls woven in between the words. But by the way Ezra kept looking at him, Gamble knew it was about him. But what really surprised him was Arden joining in; his voice was more gravelly, and it did funny things to Gamble. He was already turned on thanks to the damn dragon, and his heated discussion wasn’t doing Gamble any favors.

“Either talk in a language I can understand or stop talking about me. No one understands all that damn growling,” Gamble said, fed up with both of them going back and forth.

“It is Draconian and if you disrespect our language again, I will personally show you why you need to fear dragons,” Ezra said.
