Page 1 of Murder in Miami

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Amber, please! Don’t do this! I beg you; don’t do this!”

“Shut up! Shut up!” His voice sounded like nails down a chalkboard inside my ears, and if I’d had my second cup of coffee this morning, I may have just been a little more lenient. But I’m tired. I’m so tired of all the games, of all the lies, of the fucking ultimatum. “Just shut up, and let me think!”

I didn’t plan for this to happen. Hell, I didn’t even think I’d show up. Throwing on my pajamas and climbing into bed was my way of saying “no way in hell.” I thought that if I slept through the night, I’d wake up the next morning scar-free.

But instead, somehow, I found my way here, holding a gun in my hand and aiming it at the man I once loved.

“Please, Amber. I’m sorry. For everything! You don’t have to do this.” His voice continued to stab against my brain, and every word felt like someone was ripping off a fucking nerve.

“I don’t have to do this? I don’t have to do this?! The nerve of you even saying that after what you’ve put me through, and now you have the audacity to ask me to stop?” I found myself yelling at him, my voice growing louder and louder by the second.

To be honest, I didn’t even know why I’d been so angry. And if you asked, I couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when the words that came out of his mouth turned into a bullet straight through his head. But it did.

And as I found myself trying to vigorously shake the anguish and stabbing pain out from my brain, I also found myself staring into my former lover’s eyes, blood dripping from his mouth, followed by his body collapsing onto the ground and the shrieking scream of a female’s voice.

Wait? Who else was here? I thought we were the only ones. Then who the fuck was yelling like a banshee that had just taken a knife to the heart?

Oh, right. Now I remember. It’s my voice. I was the one screaming like a banshee.

“I killed him,” I whisper to the two older men standing in front of me, tears dripping onto the handcuffs that tightly wrap around my wrists. “I killed him!”

The metal bars slam shut as they thrust me inside a cold, dark cell, with nothing but a narrow bed and what resembled half a toilet bowl keeping me company. I turn around, screaming after the men as they begin to walk away.

“Wait! I… I can’t stay here! I have to see him. I have to tell him I’m sorry!” I wrap my fingers around the metal bars, gripping with all the strength I could possibly muster, shaking it back and forth and screaming for the two men to come back.

“Should’ve thought of that before you shot him,” one of them yells back from a distance, the echo bouncing off the walls.

Shot him. Yeah, I did that alright.


JUNIOR HIGH WAS SUPPOSED to be the greatest year of my high school career… at least, that’s what my parents told me when we moved all the way to Miami from our little town of Green Bank.

“You’ll make friends!” she said.

“You’ll have fun,” he said.

She said, he said. They’re all a bunch of lies.

Let me tell you this. When a parent tells you that you’re the image of perfection, that you’ll go far in life, that you’ll never fail, they’re full of shit. This fairytale world didn’t exist in my little bubble of hell called “junior year.” Otherwise, I wouldn’t be shriveled up in nothing but my gym shorts and a granny’s bra, shielding myself from the bucket full of trash that was being hurled at me from a hundred feet away.

“What’s wrong, loser?” That’s Cindy, head of the cheerleading team. She had locks smooth as silk and glossy as gold, the complete opposite of my tangled mess of greasy, split ends, and now, wads of gum. “You want your mommy?” She burst out into laughter along with her little posse beside her, her perky tits flopping up into the air, and her flawless face without even a single wrinkle as she continued enjoying her amusement at my demise.

To this day, I still don’t know why she decided to target me like that. I wasn’t special or different. I didn’t get better grades than her, and I certainly wasn’t more attractive than her. It was like she’s Cinderella, and I’m the ugly stepsister—always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

I was a nobody, and she had everything. A rich dad, a sports car, the hottest guy in school with a smoldering look that could make anybody wet.

Why me?

“That’s enough, ladies! That’s enough!” That’s Karen Burgundy, the gym teacher.

Everyone calls her by her first name because she’d told us that it made her seem bitchier, and no one wants to mess with a bitch. She’s a widow… five times, to be exact. And she’d always tell us that her exes are no longer here because they didn’t listen to her. We all thought she was just joking at first, but then it became obvious that something was just off about her. Even so, no one dared to ever investigate. They didn’t want to become victim number six.

“Oh, Karen,” Cindy spoke back. “We’re just having a little fun! Aren’t we, Amber?” She looked over at me, a look on her face that said nothing but, “I’m gonna kill you if you don’t follow along.”
