Page 3 of Twisted

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“Miss. Rogers, I’m Selina Scott, Mr. Carrington’s PA. Please, if you’d like to follow me he’s expecting you.”

I smile back at her because unlike the receptionist, I can tell she’s the real deal.

She guides me to an elevator and looks at me with interest. “Have you come far, Miss. Rogers?”

I nod. “You could say that, Miss. Scott.”

She holds her head to the side and looks interested.

“Where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?”

I shake my head. “Nowhere you’d know. Let’s just say out of town.”

I feel her surprise, but I don’t care. I could have told her anything, but why should I? I don’t need to tell my life story to anyone who asks. They wouldn’t believe me, anyway. It’s who I am now that counts and I’m in the process of reinventing myself, not dwelling on the past.

We enter a plush elevator and I shake my head.

“Wow, even this elevator’s impressive. This must be a great place to work.”

She nods. “It is. The company looks after its employees and has a very high retention rate.”

I nod, impressed. “What about Mr. Barrington? Is he a good boss?”

I note the sudden heightened color in her cheeks and see the brightness in her eyes and grin to myself. Obviously, someone not a million miles away has a crush on her boss. Interesting.

She laughs softly. “He’s one of a kind and takes a bit of getting used to. I’m sure you’ll be fine, though. Just don’t be put off by his cold manner. It’s not personal, just the nature of the man.”

I shrug. As if I care about his manner. It would be hard to beat Ryder on that front. He’s the most miserable bastard I’ve ever met, and I suppose that was part of the attraction.

She leads me out of the elevator to a plush carpeted hallway. Unlike downstairs, this place is quiet and I can almost hear myself breathe as I walk. She leads me toward a door at the end and smiles reassuringly.

“He’s in here. Good luck, Miss. Rogers.”

Before I even register why I need luck, she knocks sharply on the door and I follow her inside.

I hear her say. “Miss. Rogers to see you, Mr. Carrington.”

Then I look over at the man who holds my fate in his hands and take a sharp breath. Oh. My. God.

Chapter 3


As soon as the door opens, I feel the interest surge through me. Ryder told me to expect his latest protégé, and I suppose I’m curious. I don’t usually do what he’s asked, but I owe him the largest favor a man can ever owe and she is here to collect. I was only too happy to oblige. The men in his sights fill me with disgust. They decide how things run and yet break all the rules they have set in place. They need to learn the hard lesson coming their way, and I can’t wait to see what this woman has up her sleeve. One thing’s certain, Ryder wouldn’t send someone who wasn’t up to the job. This will be interesting.

So, as the door opens, I look up with interest. I wasn’t expecting what walked into my office. The woman in front of me is something else. Beautiful doesn’t do her justice. Stunning, not even close. Long dark hair hangs to her shoulders in waves and the deepest brown eyes flash across the room at me. She stands tall and proud, and her business suit does little to disguise the amazing curves contained within the fabric. She stands tall on heels and as weapons go, she is nuclear in her effect.

I laugh to myself. Of course, I wouldn’t have expected any less. The Reapers play to win, and with weapons like that in their arsenal, I can see why they’re so successful.

I nod toward the new arrival. “Please take a seat, Miss. Rogers.”

She walks toward me and I try not to stare. I usually like to appreciate the sight of a gorgeous woman, but this is business and my own interest in this woman will have to be put aside. Like most things in my life, I like the finer things and they don’t come much finer than her, but my usual habits don’t count here. I like no strings attached and no commitment. I sample women like I do a fine wine. I appreciate their taste and savor the delights, but the glass is soon empty. Past the obvious, they don’t interest me. I suppose it’s because the supply never runs dry when you’re the most eligible bachelor in town. At least that’s what the tabloids call me.

Samuel Carrington, billionaire owner of Carrington Steel and self-made man. Success comes at a price, and I have paid dearly. No time for anything but business. I use and abuse and pay my way with gifts and trinkets as a thank you for the company they give me. All women are whores to men like me; they just don’t know it. Happy to be seen with a rich man and live the lifestyle they think they deserve. Well, in my book you have to earn your own way in life. Taking the freeloader option is not allowed, so I cast them out before they get too comfortable.

As I see the woman looking thoughtfully at me across the desk, I sense something different. She isn’t here for me, she’s here for the man I owe everything to and for the first time, I don’t like what that’s doing to me inside.

I nod. “I understand Ryder sent you here on a particular task. Are you sure you’re ok with it?”
