Page 4 of Twisted

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She nods. “Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here now. Despite what you think, Mr. Carrington, I make my own decisions and this is no exception.”

I smile inside. I love her attitude. She isn’t looking at me with puppy dog eyes or flashing me sultry looks. She is here to do a job and must be curious as to what’s involved. I’m not sure why, but the devil grabs hold of my soul and I nod coolly.

“I’ve arranged a room at my apartment for your stay with me. Selina will call Baxter to take you there. Everything you need is in your room and you may as well settle in this afternoon. I’ll be back at 7 and we leave at 7.30. Wear the outfit hanging on the hook on the closet door, in its entirety. I’ll explain what’s involved on the way.”

Reaching for my phone, I call Selina.

“Miss. Rogers will need the car, tell Baxter he has five minutes.”

I look across the desk and she doesn’t waver. She just nods and stands, holding out her hand.

“Until 7, Mr. Carrington.”

Then she turns away and heads out the way she came not two minutes before. She doesn’t look back and I feel strangely sorry to see her go. I know I acted like a first-class asshole, but I wanted to see how she’d react. She needs to know who she’s dealing with. The men she seeks to destroy are far worse than me.

For a second, something eats at me inside. This doesn’t seem right. I’m not sure why, but I don’t want to use her in this way. Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to my work as I always do and push the thought of her from my mind.


Selina escorts me off the premises not five minutes after she brought me here. She smiles as we walk. “Impressive, isn’t he?”

I shrug. “If you like that sort of thing.”

I almost laugh out loud at the expression on her face. She doesn’t believe that I’m immune to someone like him. Maybe Kitty wouldn’t but the new me has no time for drop dead gorgeous assholes. He knew it, I could see it in his eyes. He watched me for any sign of interest; I saw it and rebelled against it. I’m used to guys like him. I’ve lived with them for three years. As soon as you show an interest, they’re inside you. Well, not this time. It’s strictly business all the way from now on. Despite the fact he was one of the most attractive men I have ever seen, it was easy to cast that aside. No, I’m nursing a broken heart and he would only pour salt on the open wound. Now the only thing that interests me is the job in hand.

I wait for the car and as expected a large impressive limo turns up - flash bastard. Baxter seems nice though and nods respectfully at me as he holds open the door. I smile and raise my eyes.

“Can I ride up front with you, Baxter? I’m not one for playing this servant thing.”

His eyes twinkle and he closes the door. Moving along, he opens the passenger door.

“As you wish, ma’am.”

As I take my seat, I flash him an impish smile.

“Cut the crap, Baxter, you can call me Katherine.”

He smiles and I think I see him laughing as he heads around to the other side of the car.

As we head off, I chat to him about his work

“So, tell me, Baxter, how long have you worked for Mr. Carrington?”

“It must be just over a year.”

“Do you like it?”

He nods. “Yes. Mr. Carrington is a decent man. So many others are rude and dismissive, but he’s fair and fairly easy going.”

I settle back and think of the man I’ve just left in his ivory tower. I’m betting everything Mr. Carrington wants he gets. It was obvious just by one look at the man.

I look at the scenery flashing past and see the world through the eyes of the privileged. This is their world. Everything they want is there for the taking. They don’t have to worry about where the next meal’s coming from or if they’ll make the rent this month. They look down on those less fortunate and surround themselves with company who doesn’t question or judge. These people are nothing to me. The ones I like to live among are considered the lowest form of life. Bikers who instill fear and drive desperation. Yet those men have more honor and class in their little fingers than the Sam Carrington’s of this world. My heart breaks as I think of what I’ve left behind. Security, comfort and desire. There, I was part of something big. We lived life on the edge of society and wouldn’t want it any other way. The life I’m about to enjoy is wrapped up and surrounded by so-called society. These people are animals of the lowest kind. They want to succeed and don’t mind what price they pay to get there. They get their kicks from control and manipulation and delight in the destruction of those below them. As long as they’re at the top, they are happy. I will enjoy messing with their minds.

* * *

Baxter soon stopsat another swanky high rise, and I look at the imposing structure rising out from the sidewalk and shiver. Baxter grabs my bag and smiles softly.

“It looks imposing, Katherine, but it’s one of the best that money can buy. Mr. Carrington likes to live in style, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay here very much.”
