Page 42 of Twisted

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I smile gently. “I’ll follow you when the coast is clear. I have to wrap things up here first but you’ll be perfectly safe. I’ll join you in a couple of days and nobody will suspect a thing. You need time to hide and recuperate. This is the space you need to heal your mind and drive the past from your future.”

I see the tears fill her eyes and almost come apart. She looks so worried and lost and I pull her close and kiss that gorgeous mouth that trembles under my touch.

Stroking her hair, I whisper, “Trust me, darlin’. I’ve done everything in my power to keep you safe. I won’t desert you now and then we can move forward together. I love you, Katherine Rogers and I’m going nowhere without you by my side. Together forever, that’s us. You’re not on your own anymore.”

I feel her shaking in my arms and almost lose my mind as Ryder says gently, “Come on, darlin’. Sam’s right, we need to end this to move on. Come with us and we’ll make sure you get out of here protected.”

Pulling back, I see the brave girl return who takes no shit and faces life with attitude. She nods and smiles which shoots straight to my heart like a firework exploding inside me. She kisses me lightly on the lips and then turns and follows the two men out.

Chapter 25


Iwalk with the two men I consider my family, away from the man I consider my future. As days go, this one’s been the most challenging of my life.

We walk in silence. The captive sandwiched between her two captors. Heading away from this den of sin and depravity to another. At least that’s what the men who sentenced me think. I know what the Reapers do for them. They erase mistakes and clean up shit for the men that run the country. They operate in the shadows and are paid well for their work. Government assassins with no heart or morals. I am to be disposed of like the trash they think I am. Well, I wish I could see the looks on their faces when the realization sets in. The trash in all of this is dressed up in importance and status. It’s disguised by society and walks among the elite. This time the trash is about to be put out to rot, and I can’t wait to see that happen.

We walk through the house and I feel the stares but see no one. This is a house of secrets with many tales to tell. I wonder if it will ever be the same again. I hope not. I hope someone takes a torch to the place and raze it to the ground.

I shiver as we pass through the large room where just two hours ago, I mingled with the power in the land. Now it’s deserted as the party’s been stopped and the guests dispersed.

As we walk outside, the cool breeze hits me and I take a deep breath. Air never felt so good. I allow it to wash over me like a healing ray of sunshine. It gives me oxygen and breathes new life back into my soul. This is the air of new beginnings and freedom, and it feels so good.

Ryder and Snake lead me over to their black unmarked SUV. Snake holds the passenger door open and with no words pushes me inside. I play my part and look around me with a frightened look. As I sink back into the seat, I sigh with relief. It’s over.

The two men jump in the front and we are soon on our way. I don’t look back.

Snake turns and I see the respect glittering in his eyes. He says softly, “You did well, darlin’. It was hard, but you never wavered.”

He throws me a bottled water and says gently, “Here, it’s not the hard stuff you need right now, but you could probably use it.”

I take a sip gratefully and smile my thanks.

“It’s good to see you, guys. How have you been, how’s Bonnie and…?”

I hesitate at speaking the name of the woman who ruined everything, but as I do I find it doesn’t hurt anymore. Thinking of Ryder’s new wife, I find myself empathizing with her in a way that surprises me. I picture the pain she went through at the hands of the men behind me. I feel a connection to her that’s unexpected and knocks me flying. There is silence as I say softly, “How is Ashton, Ryder? You’d better be treating her well.”

He laughs softly and I see his eyes soften in the light of the mirror. “She’s fine. You don’t have to worry about her. Despite what you think, I’ve started to realize that it’s good to let someone in. I’m just sorry you never saw that side of me. Through all of this, that’s my one regret.”

I sigh heavily. “It’s fine. I know I was clutching at something that wasn’t mine to take. I thought you were everything I wanted, but it only works if the other person feels the same. Sam has taught me what it feels like to love someone unconditionally. I know you feel it with Ashton. I never understood it until now, but love has a habit of making its own rules. No matter how much we want to change its path, it won’t be told.”

There’s silence and then I turn to Snake. “Send my love to Bonnie and the girls. I miss them too, you know.”

Snake nods. “They miss you too, darlin’. Nobody likes to see one of their own suffer and they’ve been worried. Are you sure you don’t wanna come home and see them first?”

I shake my head. “Maybe one day. I need to find myself first. I’ll always be a Reaper, guys, but I need to find the woman I want to be too. You’ve done so much for me and I’ll always be here for you.”

I laugh softly. “You know, next time you send me out in the field, please make it something where I pound the guy’s ass into the ground. For all your training, it counted for shit back there. They surprised me, and not in a good way. I think you should add escaping from five bastards holding you down to your manual.”

I watch as Ryder’s hands grip the wheel tighter and Snake growls. “They’ll pay for that. Don’t you worry darlin’, I’ll see to it personally.”

Ryder says darkly. “Yes, their problems are only just beginning. When the dust settles, there will be no hiding from what’s waiting for them in their future. Be assured it’s a painful one in every way.”

I say nothing and look out of the window at the darkness of the night and the shadows racing past as we speed away from the scene. I can’t think of those men anymore. There’s only man I want to think about, and it’s like a physical pain in my heart that he’s not by my side.

* * *

It doesn’t take longand we soon pull up alongside a small private jet at the nearby airstrip.
