Page 46 of Twisted

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The memory stick falls out and the photos stare up at us.

Just for a moment, he stares and then passes them across the desk to Snake, who whistles as he sees the images in glorious color before him.

Ryder taps the memory stick a couple of times before he sighs heavily and places it in the computer.

Then we watch as the sordid acts of the men we seek to destroy fill the screen.

As evidence goes, it’s pretty conclusive. Along with my technical contact, we’ve put sound to picture and captured every gesture, every act, and every word of the five men who are going down. From the pool house with Preston to the theater box. The party highlights everything from the meeting to the inevitable conclusion.

It’s only when we see the four men holding Katherine down with the President between her legs that Ryder snaps.

Snake looks worried as he drives his fist through the desk. I see the anguish in his eyes as he deals with the tortured images of his wife not being quite so lucky. It must be the cruelest revenge ever because in doing this he’s unleashed the images of what happened to her. Snake looks as choked as I feel as we hear Katherine begging them to stop.

Ryder stands up and paces around the room, and I’m fearful of what he’ll do next. He must want to tear off and kill the bastards himself by tearing them limb from limb. I know I do, and Katherine didn’t suffer the same fate.

We leave him to deal with his torment and sit quietly until he calms down. For the first time in my life, I see that Ryder is broken.

Katherine’s screams fill our ears, and it’s hard to take. I feel my heart thumping erratically and my blood runs cold. Even Snake looks as broken as we do, and I see a rare glimpse of emotion in his eyes as we watch.

Finally, it stops, and the office falls into silence once again. Then we wait for the hardest man that ever lived to get a grip.

The minutes tick by as he sits with his head in his hands and stares at the photo of the five men before him. Then he looks up and I flinch at the hard-dead anger in his eyes.

“Thank you, Sam. You’ve done well and now I owe you. I’ll always be in your debt because you’ve brought me the men I want more than anything. Leave this with me and go and find your woman. Remember, if you ever need anything you only have to ask. Kitty’s family, same as you and we look after our own. I’ll let you know when you can bring her back.”

I stand up and look at the two men still seated. Two hardened warriors who have seen and dealt with the worst things a man can ever face. Both of them knocked sideways by one small envelope. I have no pity for the five men who have this coming. They are about to face a pair of very grim Reapers, and I just wish I could be there with them.

Chapter 27


I’ve been here two days already and yet it feels like a lifetime. Missy and Willie have been more like parents to me than my own and have made me so welcome.

My days have not been idly spent. I get up early and Willie shows me how things work around a ranch. He’s been teaching me to ride a beautiful little colt called Starburst, who I fell madly in love with as soon as I first laid eyes on her. I’ve been caring for her and we’ve struck up quite a friendship.

Missy has shown me the joys of baking and caring for a home. I find myself watching her spellbound in the evening as she sits on the porch and embroiders a beautiful tapestry. We talk about anything and everything while Willie listens and occasionally interrupts with a quip or two.

The only thing missing is Sam by my side, and then my world will be complete. The events that brought me here have faded like snow under a strengthening sun. Even my life with the Reapers seems but a distant memory now as I heal in this magical place.

There’s no Internet and no television, which suits me just fine. If they have a way of communicating with the outside world, I’m not interested in finding out how. This is the life I’ve always craved. Uncomplicated and basic and surrounded by the wonders of nature and the company of good people.

On the third morning, I wake to the sunlight streaming through the blind, waking me with its gentle touch. I stretch out with contentment and enjoy the prospect of another fabulous day stretching out before me.

I don’t linger long and head to the small bathroom we share on the landing and allow the trickle of water that passes for a shower bring my body to life and wash away a night well spent.

Pulling on jeans and a t-shirt, I brush my hair before securing it in a ponytail. No make-up is needed here. I no longer feel the need to hide behind a mask and pull on the cowboy boots that are now my pride and joy.

Grabbing the plaid shirt from the chair, I head off to help Missy prepare breakfast.

As usual she’s up already and smiles as I wander into the kitchen, the satisfying smell of coffee and bacon frying stirring my taste buds into life.

“Morning, Katherine. It’s a glorious one.”

I look outside and nod. “It always is here, Missy. You are lucky to live with such riches.”

She nods. “We sure are. I wouldn’t swap it for the world.”

I reach for the towel and start drying the gleaming dishes on the side.
