Page 6 of Twisted

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Then there are the heels. What can I say? I’m a sucker for shoes and these are every girl’s fantasy. Spiky heels hold the softest leather. Cinderella’s glass slipper is nothing to these shoes. Any man faced with the sight of the fuck me underwear and killer heels would be driven mad by desire. Of course, that’s my job after all. Bait to reel them in. This time, however, the hunter becomes the hunted and I feel the excitement growing as I see the power I have at my fingertips. All of my training will count for something at last. The men who have used, abused and damaged me all those years ago will have stood for something. They will see me through this revenge and they will cease to control my past. Now I’m impatient to get started.

Chapter 4


As usual, work has been relentless, and Baxter collects me just before seven. I barely acknowledge him as I settle back in my seat and open my briefcase. Twenty minutes is valuable time when you run a business like mine, and that’s why I employ a driver. So, as he drives, I work and appreciate the modern technology that allows me.

By the time we reach my apartment, I just have time to shower and change before we’re due to head out for phase one of the mission. I head inside and briefly greet Mrs. Baxter before making my way to my room.

This is my life. Work hard, play hard, with little in between. What else is there?

I allow myself the luxury living that comes with the job but it has ceased to mean anything. When I first started, I craved this lifestyle. I wanted all the trappings and the polished female company that I saw others around me enjoying. I thought it would be much more fun than it is, though.

Thinking back, the last time I had fun was in the military. Strange thing to say, but there I was a valued part of something. What I did mattered and counted and although we had little, we had each other and I miss it more than I thought I ever would. I met Ryder and Snake in the SEALs and we were unstoppable. We took down many an opponent, and it was hard but rewarding in other ways.

I always thought there was more though and with a bit of luck and some good connections I started my company and it took off quicker than I ever thought it would. It’s been hard though and has taken one hundred percent of my attention.

Pushing my memories away, I concentrate on the job in hand. As I head out to meet my house guest, I wonder what she must be thinking. I never thought about her feelings in all this. Like me, she has a job to do and must be good at it for Ryder to send her. At least it will be a change from normality.

I head to the open plan lounge and see she’s here already. Good punctuality is important to me and I’m keen to get started. As I enter the room, she stands up, and the air is almost knocked from my lungs. Just for a minute, I openly stare. If I thought she was beautiful before, then I was doing her a disservice. The dress she’s wearing makes me want to rip it off her body with an impatience I’ve never felt before. I can only imagine the underwear caressing her body that’s causing the blood to rush to every part of me that’s craving to be inside her.

She stands tall, proud and magnificent, and her eyes flash with a resolve I’ve never seen in a woman before. If I were a painter, she would be my muse. I would want to capture every inch of the perfection standing before me and outline every line, every shape and curve into immortality. I want to taste and inhale every part of the woman watching me with those wicked eyes and taste those lips that taunt me with desire. Fuck Ryder. He has sent me Eve and I will have to watch her reeling in another while desiring every inch of this bewitching beauty myself.

She nods coolly. “Shall we go?”

Gathering myself together, I nod. “Yes, of course. I’ll brief you in the car on the way.”

She grabs her purse and walks toward me and I swallow - hard.

The journey to the car is awkward as fuck because I can’t concentrate on anything but some kind of feral instinct that’s roaring in my head. If I were a caveman, I’d be dragging her to my cave by now. I almost pity the poor bastards who are about to face this angel because her success is guaranteed.

All the time she watches me with interest. I can tell she’s working me out and that alone irritates the hell out of me. I like to control and call the shots. I need to get a grip and remember who I am. So, I freeze her out. There is no conversation and no pleasant chit chat. I need to become a hard bastard around this woman because if I allow it, she’ll add one more scalp to her tally. She isn’t here for me, despite how much I want her to be.

We are soon in the car and I try to ignore the woman who is overpowering me with silence. Her scent fills my senses, and the electricity crackles all around her. So, I focus on the job in hand and speak coolly.

“Ok, here’s the deal. Tonight, we’ve been invited to a gathering at a well-known Senator’s home. Preston Musgrave is one of the President’s most valued Senators and makes up one of four of his closest friends. He is target one and you need to know about him. He’s married to Selene, a French model who cheats on him like fuck. Not that you should care, because he does the same to her at every opportunity. They stay married for the life they lead. They almost lead separate lives, but for the voters they’re the golden couple living the dream. She continues to model, and he enjoys the privileged life of aSenator. However, what he doesn’t want getting out is his fascination for sadism.”

I stop as I see a flicker of fear enter her eyes. My heart lurches as I sense her unease and strangely feel the need to pull her to me and protect her from the monster she’s about to be exposed to.

I say gently. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. When I said, sadism, I meant he likes to be the recipient. He protects his secret from everyone. The only person who know is the person who gives him what he craves and Ryder. Now we know. So, as you can see, this secret is a ticking time bomb.”

She looks confused. “So, what’s the big deal? I’m sure nobody would give a fuck if he likes to be beat shitless. I can think of many people who would queue up to oblige his fetish.”

I laugh softly. “I quite agree. However, this man is a patron of all sorts of charities, condoning violence of any kind. He sits in judgment of the very people he’s inside. If it came out, he would be publicly humiliated and fall like a stone in the sea. His career and credibility would be in tatters and he would be forced to resign from his position. His wife would use it to her advantage and leave him and his life would be destroyed.”

I watch the spark ignite in her eyes as she senses the victory. Realization dawns and she smiles sweetly.

“I take your point. So, what’s the plan?”

I smile. “Just reel him in, honey, and get him to trust you. As soon as he senses a kindred spirit, he will no doubt invite you to play. Then we’ll capture it all on film and store the evidence. When the time is right, we’ll bring him down.”

She sits back in her seat and I see her thoughts battling for attention in her mind. I wait for it all to sink in and once again wish that things were different. It just seems wrong asking her to put herself through this just to give Ryder his revenge. But then again, she is a Reaper. It’s what they do best. What do I know of the life she’s led to this point?

The rest of the journey is spent in silence. She doesn’t appear to want to chat, which suits me fine. Usually, my companions bore me with their idle chatter. They think I’m interested in their life story when all I really want is to eat, fuck and then sleep. Anything outside of that is an irritation that has to be endured to get what I want.

However, for the first time it’s me who craves knowledge. I want to hear her life story. I want to know the woman behind the bewitching eyes and cool exterior.

For the first time, I am interested.
