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Chapter 5


Sitting close to Sam is unnerving me in a way that has surprised me. He’s as cold as fuck, but the interest in his eyes betrays his body language.

Like all men, he’s just playing a game and I’m so over playing them. I’ll give you he’s attractive. Almost too attractive and it would be no hardship feeling his attentions. The trouble is, I’m not that whore anymore. Desperate to feel a kind of love and attention from an attractive man because I thought that was what love was. Well, why would they want to love an easy target? Where’s the fun in that? No, I’m done with playing those games. Now I have bigger things to worry about.

When Sam told me this guy was into sadism, I almost cut and run. I’ve had my fair share of heartless bastards who have roughed me up a bit. I wouldn’t have been prepared to let another one open that dark box in my soul. When the Reapers found me, I was chained to a bed like a common dog. The man with the key used to beat the shit out of me before he fucked me. He was a sadist, much like they want me to be now. I’m not sure I can do this. What if it unlocks the broken memory inside me and causes me to flip out? This is serious and I’ve got to think it through first.

Before I can, though, we pull up outside an impressive house. The house is lit up like Disneyland and I note the wealth dripping from every brick. Sam looks steadily at me and says softly. “Are you ok with this?”

I smile shakily. “It’s fine. Let’s just get it over with.”

Baxter opens the door and smiles as I take his helping hand. I wink at him and watch as he stifles a smile before Sam exits and nods. “I’ll call you when we’re ready.”

Baxter nods, and then Sam reaches out and takes my hand. “Are you ready for this?”

I smile with a confidence I’m not feeling and try to ignore the shiver that runs through me that his touch creates. Then we head inside.

So, this is how the elite party. Soft music plays all around and waiters mill around holding silver platters filled with drinks and canapés. I look around with interest and see smart gentlemen talkingin groups. Glamorous women are everywhere, and I don’t miss the predatory look that everyone shares. They are all searching for the next best thing. The one who will elevate them higher up the social ladder and take them to where they need to go. There is no chance conversation, and every move is calculated for maximum effect.

Sam grips my hand a little tighter and I feel grateful for the security he gives me. Almost as soon as we enter the room, a woman comes over and looks at him with hunger and dismisses me out of hand.

“Sam, how wonderful to see you. You’re looking gorgeous as always.”

She lays her hand on his arm in ownership and bats her eyelashes at him. He just nods. “Patricia. You’re looking lovely, as always. Please allow me to introduce Katherine Rogers. My date for tonight.”

She runs her eyes over me and smiles briefly. “I’m pleased to meet you, Katherine.”

Then she turns back to her prize.

“Anyway, you still owe me that lunch, darling. How about you make good on your promise, shall we say tomorrow?”

I can tell he’s feeling uncomfortable and laugh inside. I’m almost enjoying watching this predatory woman and feel a little devilish as I pull him against me and say mischievously, “I think lunch will have to wait. We have plans that don’t include anyone other than getting naked with each other. You may want to look for another toy to play with, honey, because by the time I’ve finished with this one he’ll be fit for nothing.”

The look she sends me wants to make me laugh out loud. Sam laughs softly and runs his hand around my waist and says huskily, “She’s right, Patricia. The only plans I have tomorrow involve this woman beside me and eating lunch is the furthest thing from my mind. Thanks for the offer, though. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to mingle.”

I laugh inside as he pulls me sharply away and whispers, “You’re a wicked woman, Katherine Rogers.”

I nod. “You’d better believe it, honey. Anyway, you can thank me later. That woman was a first-class bitch, and I just saved your life.”

He shakes his head and laughs. “Agreed, but I don’t need anyone to save me. I’m perfectly capable of beating them off all by myself.”

I shrug. “Whatever. Anyway, where’s my man?”

He points to a man standing by the window talking to a group of men. He whispers, “The man in the white jacket is Preston Musgrave. His wife is over there talking to that actor Bobby Richie, so you have an opportunity because she’s unlikely to let that poor bastard go anytime soon.”

Looking over, I see a beautiful woman who’s trying too hard. Bobby looks bored as fuck and is only making polite conversation. I shake my head. These women will never learn.

I turn my attention to her husband and see the arrogance of a man who has what he wants by the bucket load. He charms and beguiles the men that surround him like male whores, all desperate for a little of his success to rub onto them and collect any favors that he may graciously bestow on them.

We head over and I put my game face on. Preston Musgrave watches us approach and I see the interest spark in his eyes. I adopt a confident manner and walk toward them suggestively. He openly stares and I hold his gaze. Sam reaches out to shake his hand. “Preston, it’s good to see you.”

Preston returns the greeting and his eyes swivel to mine. “You’re a lucky man, Sam, who is this gorgeous woman on your arm tonight?”

Sam pulls me forward. “Meet Katherine Rogers.”

He takes my hand and I feel him run his thumb over it in a move that expresses his interest. I regard him with cold eyes and squeeze his hand so hard he winces.
