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As soon as she passed out, I was frantic, which surprised me. I don’t do concern, and I’m certainly never bothered if someone passes out in front of me. But she hit her head and the fact she was out cold shocked me. I felt responsible for that so I called Luke and luckily, he was dining in the restaurant downstairs. As soon as she came round, I felt so much relief that surprised me more than the shock of her passing out in the first place.

Oddly, I want to be the one to do everything for her. I lifted her head into my lap to make her more comfortable, and I liked how that felt. I loved it when she sat on my lap and I removed her shoes. Her small giggle made me happy, and her quick wit amused me. Ella Quinn is a woman that intrigues me the more time I spend with her, and we haven’t even got to the good bit yet. I like her as a person and not for what she can give me. The fact she probably despises me is inconvenient, but not insurmountable.

As I sweep her into my arms, she stiffens and says quickly, “What are you doing?”

“Carrying you to the helicopter.”

“I can walk.”

“No, you can’t, you just demonstrated that.”

“I have other shoes. I’ll change, I can’t go in this dress.”

She looks down at the ruined dress that is tangled around her legs and the bastard in me says darkly, “You will wear what I tell you. Remember, you are my prisoner and that hasn’t changed. If you speak one word out of turn, I will finish what I was about to get started.”

She stiffens and I love it. She’s scared, I want her to be scared, I want to get her checked out so I can check her out, preferably tonight.

As I carry her from the room toward the elevator that will take us to the roof, I’m loving the power I have over her. I’m a man who loves to control every aspect of his life, and until I get her under control and under me, I won’t be happy.

As soon as we step out onto the roof, she clings on tight and I can tell she’s nervous. My beautiful bird is waiting to fly and as always, I feel the rush of adrenalin that gives me a greater high than any drug.

I love my toys and this is one of my favorite ones and as the pilot holds open the door, I settle Ella inside and fasten her seatbelt, making sure my fingers brush against those breasts I can’t wait to experience. She shivers and as our eyes meet, I make sure mine are loaded with promise. This doesn’t end tonight; it’s only just beginning.

I take my seat beside her and as the bird flies, she reaches out and grasps my hand tight. I can tell she’s close to hyperventilating and I lean down and say loudly, “Relax, enjoy it.”

“Easy for you to say, do you really enjoy this?”

She groans as the copter dips and I laugh. “I love it.”

“I always knew you were mad.”

She grins alongside her words and I laugh, squeezing her hand a little tighter.

As Luke said, it doesn’t take long and I note the team of medics waiting on the roof and laugh to myself. Even in a non-medical emergency, money talks and Ella will get the best care possible because I pay for it.

She is whisked away by the medical staff and I walk beside them, keeping a watchful eye over my captive.

The fact she’s dressed like a million dollars doesn’t register with these people because this is Vegas and they are used to it.

It doesn’t take long for them to X-ray her head, check her over for any signs of concussion, and then discharge her back into my care. Once again, as I belt her in, she shivers a little and I whisper in her ear, “Are you hungry, little flower?”

Her chest heaves and she shakes her head. “I’ve kind of lost my appetite.”

Nodding, I take my seat beside her and leave her to her own thoughts while I plan my next move. The night may have hit a temporary bump in the road, but I’m still on the journey and it ends when I say it does.

* * *

Once again,I carry her into the elevator and her heavy breathing tells me she’s feeling the effects of being in my arms.

I remain silent and as we head into the apartment, I walk the opposite way from the dining room.

“Where are we going?” She sounds nervous and shifts a little in my arms, and I ignore her and carry on until we reach my bedroom.

She stiffens when she sees where we are and her voice shakes. “Um, why are we here, my room is the other way?”

Setting her down on the bed, I stare down at her with the dark look I wear so well. “The doctor said you couldn’t be left, I need to monitor you through the night, standard procedure with a head injury.”
