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“Ah, the salary, I was waiting for this. Go on.”

The elevator shudders to a stop, and I’m surprised when he reaches across and presses the door closed. “Carry on, Miss. Quinn.”

“Yes, my, um, salary. You see, the fact you are keeping me here, preventing me from earning a living and going about my business will cost you—quite a lot as it happens because if you insist on hiring me as your ‘assistant’s, assistant’ I will, I’m afraid, have to charge you accordingly.”

“Name your price.”

“Well…” I pretend to think hard. “Obviously, I am a business woman at the top of her game. I mean, I am in demand for my services.”

“I can understand that.”

He nods as if he’s deep in thought and I warm to my subject.

“Well, as you know, I am paid rather well for my work and I would expect no less if I were to take a position with you. So, as you require me to on duty 24/7 and have curtailed my freedom, in such an overbearing manner may I add, I expect to be recompensed at, shall we say, a sum of $200,000 for every week you keep me here?”

I am only kidding really because who the hell pays an assistant that much money, but it’s kind of funny when I use the sum I got for the coin in the argument?

“Done, Miss. Quinn.”

“I’m sorry - what?”

I blink in surprise and he nods. “$200,000 dollars for you to be available to me 24/7 for as long as I require your um, services. I will have the necessary contracts drawn up for you to sign by close of business today.”

“Is that right?”

I laugh softly and he nods. “Consider it done, now, we must begin, and it starts with a meeting with my second-in-command Adam Remington. Just listen and observe, maybe take a few notes and do not make any comment or engage him in conversation, do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, um, sir.”

I smile and he nods. “Good, because now you are my paid employee, I will treat you as such. Very professional and above board, after all, I would hate for you to have grounds to report me to my assistant, who would unfortunately then have to report me to myself, which would make for a very awkward conversation.”

He winks as he steps outside the elevator, leaving me disguising a smile. As games go, this one is shaping up to becoming one of my favorites.
