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Iam glad to be out of that room. It was so intense, and Lucas obviously makes his employees nervous. I can relate to that because he is quite intimidating when he wants to be. There’s a darkness to him that he keeps wrapped around himself like a shield against the world.

I’m not surprised the man was scared to take a day off and I wonder if that’s true for most of them. Thinking of Tom and Dixie and how quickly they run to his side, makes me wonder what he’s like when he loses his temper. They appear to bend over backwards to make him happy, and there’s a part of me that wants to see that side of him.

“Excuse me, Miss. Quinn.”

I stop and look behind me at the man with the red tie who was checking me out during the meeting, and my skin crawls.

“May I help you?”

I keep my tone firm and business-like and he smiles, the edges of his eyes crinkling up in the corner as he checks out my cleavage.

“I just wanted to welcome you to the family and if you need anything come and find me because it’s good to have a friend in high places around here.”

He hands me his business card and as I take it, his fingers brush against mine and I snatch my hand back quickly.

“Thank you, you are very kind.”

He smiles, but it makes me feel on edge as he says creepily, “Let me show you where to get the coffee, I could use one myself, after all, it looks as if I’ll be here for some time. Maybe when you’ve finished, you’d like to meet me and grab some food after work.”

“Oh, um…”

He puts his hand on the small of my back and pushes me along and whispers, “I insist, Miss. Quinn, after all, it pays to have friends rather than enemies, wouldn’t you agree?”

It takes all my self-control not to stamp on his foot and punch him, but instead I allow him to propel me along and grind my teeth as he says flirtatiously. “I was surprised to see you with Lucas instead of Dixie. She’s always been so firmly glued to his side the talk is they share everything, if you know what I mean. You know, if he ever behaves inappropriately, don’t feel as if you can’t speak out, I’m a good listener.”

I am actually stunned to be having this conversation at all and wonder about Nathan. I hope he’s better at his job than his dubious chat up lines and I say icily, “Sir, I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about. If you are implying that I am incapable of dealing with an employer who oversteps the mark, you are wrong. I would also ask that you keep from touching me and only talk to me about things to do with the business. Implying that my employer is having an innappropriate relationship with the woman who is training me, is both disloyal and unprofessional, so don’t let me keep you from the work I know you have waiting and don’t expect me to show up later, I have other arrangements.”

I turn to leave and my heart thumps as I wonder if I’ve gone too far. That man deserved every word, but I must remember where I am and that this is a game I don’t usually play.

Luckily, he just heads off back to his office and I swallow my nerves. Is this what women can expect in this place? Advances from the men in authority putting pressure on them to keep them happy, or else. This is so cliched it makes my blood boil, and I’m surprised when I hear a low chuckle beside me.

Spinning around, I see an older woman looking at me with interest and she holds out her hand. “Hey, I’m Carla, I work for Mr. Stevenson, the guy in charge of hospitality. I’m sorry, but I overheard your conversation and just wanted to slap you on the back and welcome you properly.”

Her eyes flash with amusement and I relax. “Thanks, Carla, I’m Ella, pleased to meet you.”

She nods. “Same. So, let me show you where to pick up that coffee, that is where you’re heading, right?”

“Yes, thanks.”

As we walk, she says with interest. “So, word is you’ve replaced Dixie for a bit. I’m impressed, I didn’t know there was even an opening.”

“No, it came as quite a shock to me too.”

I laugh softly and she says with interest. “So, where are you from? You must be good to act as Dixie’s replacement.”

“To be honest, Carla,” I lower my voice and she leans in.

“It’s just a favor to Dixie. We’re friends and she needed someone to fill in for her. I doubt I’ll be here long, but the money’s good.”

I laugh to myself as she nods. “Yes, they do pay well. So, what do you usually do?”

“Oh, you know, this and that. Admin mainly, a little bit of hands-on creation too, you know art, crafts, etc.”

“Well, honey, you never know, this job may open a few doors for you. It’s unusual to start at the top, but maybe when Dixie is back full time, they’ll find you another slot somewhere else.”

“As long as it’s not with that creep, is he usually like that?”
