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She groans. “Nathan is well known around here. He’s had more interns than the rest of the corporation put together. A serial offender when it comes to bedding his assistants and the fact his wife is the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, makes everyone hate him even more.”

“Poor woman.”

“Well, poor in every other way than money. The guys on the management floor are seriously loaded. Money makes money after all and the gambling world attracts a ton of it.”

We reach the kitchen and she sets about showing me where to get everything I need and as I wait for the kettle, she sighs. “Well, I should go, I have a deadline and it’s not worth getting in Jackson’s bad books.”


“My manager. He’s nice enough most of the time, but if I fall behind, or do something wrong, he chews my ass off in front of the entire floor. Fucking bastard, then again, most of the time he’s away from the office so I get my space.”

She turns before she leaves and smiles. “Welcome to the Casino King’s empire, honey, just don’t let them ruin you.”

As she leaves, I wonder about the people who work here. Just imagining a world where I was scared of upsetting anyone on a daily basis doesn’t seem worth it to me. Just thinking of my own business where I don’t report to anyone but me, makes me feel luckier than the lot of them put together. I may not have as much money, but is that really important? Yes, it buys you fancy clothes, nice houses and gourmet meals, but does it buy you happiness? I’m not so sure.

Remembering my phone call, I decide to take it now before Lucas changes his mind and as I dial the familiar number, I’m surprised to see it flash up on Lucas’s screen, under ‘Ella’s mom.’ My heart beats a little faster because why would he have my mom’s number programed into his phone? It doesn’t make sense, but I shrug it off as soon as she answers in the soft, rather nervous voice she always uses. “Caitlyn Quinn.”

“Mom, it’s me.”

“Ella, but this isn’t your number, what’s happened?”

“Relax mom, I, um, lost my phone and borrowed a friend’s.”

I hate lying to her but I there is some truth in it because I don’t actually know where my phone is right now.

“Oh, Ella, I was so worried when you didn’t call, are you ok?”

“I’m fine. The flight was good and to be honest, I was a little tired and slept rather a long time. Anyway, how are things in Sunny Vale, are they treating you well?”

I hear the anxiety in my voice because I’m so worried about her. She’s the important part of me and just thinking of her so far away is like a serrated knife to my heart every time I hear her voice.

“It’s amazing, honey, I love it. The people are so nice and helped me make my room homey and comfortable. I miss you though,”

She laughs softly. “I missed you as soon as the door closed behind you. I wish…”

“Don’t mom.”The tears burn because I know what she wants more than anything. It was always her dream to have a little house by the sea with an annex for her and me and Hannah living next door. The family together living our best life, but how is that even possible? Mom needs medical help, and Hannah is not far behind her. I need to work to pay for things and anyway, Hannah may well marry and have a family of her own. Mom’s dream is just that, a dream that will never come true. Something fanciful that is not practical and is never going to happen.

She says happily, “I spoke to Hannah yesterday, she seems to be doing well.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Once again, I feel bad for not checking on my sister, then mom says brightly, “Evan was there, he’s such a nice man, I wish you would find someone like him.”

“Me too, mom.”Thinking of Evan makes me want to laugh. The last thing I want is to find someone like him. He may be nice enough, steady, dependable and predictable. For Hannah that’s perfect, those are the qualities she values, but it never was for me. I love a bit of shade in my life, and that’s why I’m probably enjoying this freak show a little more than I should. It’s exciting, dangerous and shocking, and I’m loving every minute of it. Just thinking of settling down with the likes of Evan makes me bored already and mom says lightly, “I asked Hannah if she could set you up with one of Evan’s friends. You know, a blind date. She said she’d see what she could do.”


I almost yell down the phone and she laughs, “Leave it with me, honey, mommy knows best and I’ll have you settled in the blink of an eye.”

“No need, I’ve um, found someone.”

“I knew it.”

I hear the triumph in her voice as she says excitedly, “Tell me about him.”

“He’s ok I guess, a bit moody, you know the type. Thinks he can get everything his way and expects it. I’m not sure what I think of him really, I mean, I’ve had better.”

I laugh to myself, picturing Lucas’s face if he could hear me now.
