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She is the most irritating woman I have ever met and the state of my apartment is giving me serious anxiety right now. The fact she’s in it is mainly to blame, but the mess in my kitchen will probably keep me up all night. I played it down, but she is right about that. I like everything in its place and I always have. It’s why I employ the best people around me. They know what to do to keep me happy and having an insolent woman messing up my perfect world is causing me serious issues right now.

Now I’ve got to fucking walk the streets of New York because I sent my driver home. Yes, I could call a cab, but the thought of sitting on a seat that anyone could have sat on causes my skin to itch. The subway is most definitely out and I wouldn’t know how to use it if I tried but I’m not going to admit that to this woman because my one role in life is now to prove her wrong about everything.

We travel the elevator in silence and when she’s not looking, I check her out in the mirror. Those legs are certainly longer than I first thought, highlighted by the indecent length of her shorts. The tight vest is causing serious discomfort in my pants and as she loosens her hair from the band holding it, I swear my heart starts racing and the sweat starts rolling. Images of her against the walls of the elevator with my cock inside her keep me entertained on the journey to the street and the way she is biting on her lip as she checks her phone, makes me want to do something so basic I even shock myself. I want to fuck Lexi Mackenzie so hard to get her out of my system and carry on with life as I know it, but if I value that life, I’ll stay the fuck away.

The evening is turning into night as we start the thirty-minute walk to Wall Street, and I wonder what possessed Lexi to wear nothing more than a vest. She must be cold because even though it’s a pleasant temperature, the night chill requires a jacket at least. She appears oblivious and strides along as if in training for power walker of the year and I hate to admit I’m struggling to keep up.

Luckily, I have her ass to focus on, distracting me from the people that share this walk with us. I don’t mix with people - ever and I feel a little out of my comfort zone as I do something alien to me. I’m on my last nerve as a bike whistles past and the rider shouts, “Watch where you’re going.”

Lexi just raises her middle finger and shouts, “Asshole.”

Praying the guy doesn’t stop, I hiss, “What’s the matter with you, do you want to draw unwelcome attention on us?”

She looks genuinely surprised. “Why not, he was an asshole and needed telling?”

I just stare at the sweet-looking girl who would look more at home on a farm than pounding the unforgiving streets of New York and feel strangely protective over her. Her face is flushed and her eyes bright, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more attractive woman in my life. For a moment words desert me and then to my surprise, she grabs hold of me quickly and pulls me close to her, swinging me around as someone skates past us at speed.

“Fuck me, Hunter, that was close, he nearly railroaded right into you.”

Words fail me as I feel her soft curves against my thin shirt, and as she looks into my eyes with concern, I have an overwhelming urge to taste those lips again.

“Get a room.”

A loud voice sounds behind me, and Lexi grins. “Come on, let’s try to avoid the natives in the future. You know, it’s a good thing you have me to protect you, you’re certainly not streetwise.”

To my surprise, she grabs my hand and I watch her shiver a little as a gust of wind blows up and without thinking, I shrug out of my jacket and wrap it around her shoulders. “What’s this for?”

“You’re cold.”

The fact her eyes reveal their gratitude tells me she’s not going to argue, and as the jacket falls to her knees, she looks down and laughs. “A little too big, perhaps.”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as attractive as she is right now and tear my gaze away saying abruptly, “Come on, let’s get going, time is money, after all.”

I don’t miss the eye roll she throws my way, and I’m even more surprised when she grasps my hand and her fingers curl around mine. “What’s that for?”

She shrugs. “I can’t trust you; you need looking after.”

I shake my head as she winks, but I don’t pull away and that surprises me more than anything. I don’t hold hands–ever. I can’t remember the last time I did, and maybe that’s half the problem. Physical contact is reserved for fucking a woman and shaking a man’s hand. I kiss my mom and sister on the cheek, but often my lips just graze their skin. I certainly don’t kiss any women that I fuck, on the mouth, anyway. No, minimum contact that has become normal the more introverted I got, and it’s a hard habit to break—until now.

We walk silently through the dusty streets of New York with the usual noise that accompanies the city. The lights of apartment blocks, cars, neon signs and shops guide our way and if anything, it’s even busier than during the day. It’s as if the city bursts into life in a far more vibrant way at night, and I can’t remember the last time I was part of that.

“So, tell me about your girlfriends. What usually happens there?”

Her soft voice wafts on the breeze toward me and I can’t resist biting. “Do you want me to draw you a diagram?”

“No thanks, I’ve just eaten. No, I mean, is there anyone you see regularly? I need to know so I’m prepared if someone wants to get into a bitch fight with me.”

She laughs softly and I pity whoever chooses that particular pastime, because I’m guessing they would bite off more than they can chew with the delectable Miss. Mackenzie.

“No, nobody worth mentioning. If you need a list, I can draw it up on one hand.”


She shakes her head and giggles, and for some reason it never even occurred to me that she may have someone. The thought of that causes me a sharp pain and I wonder about that. Why should I care if she fucks half the stock exchange but it does?

I need to know more, so say lightly, “No boyfriend then.”
