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“That was the least of her problems, it was what went on behind that was the most embarrassing.”

For a moment, we just laugh at the image and then I sigh heavily. “If it wasn’t Amber, which I’m convinced it was, who do you think told her in the first place? It can only have come from someone at the lunch, don’t you think?”

“I agree.”

Hunter goes silent on me, and I tentatively broach the subject of his family. “Have you heard from them?”

“I had a text from my father asking if I was ok. He had spoken to mom and as he thought, it didn’t go well.”

“And your mom?”

“Nothing, then again, I expect she has more pressing things on her mind right now, so if I could rule out any two people it would be them.”

“That leaves us with your brother, sister and the charming Willard.”

Hunter scoffs, “That guy would fall over in a strong gust of wind, he doesn’t have the backbone for this.”

“Are you sure, in my experience, they are always the classic psychopath? I know Brewer was running some background checks on him, maybe I should call and see what he’s got.”

He strokes my arm absentmindedly and I love the contact we share. It feels more intimate than the frantic act a few moments ago and I wonder if this is what love is, a need to be close and connected at all times, especially when times are hard. Giving comfort to one another as we weather the storm.

Thinking back on our predicament I say thoughtfully, “What about Bea, she seemed nice enough. I expect we can rule her out.”

“Bea’s a bitch, a terrible gossip and probably the most likely one to run her mouth off.”

“That seems harsh.”

“You can’t escape the truth. Beatrice never grew up and spends most of her day gossiping on the phone with her friends. It would only take a, ‘you’re never going to believe what happened today?’ moment to have the story running like a rapid ride around society if she had her way.”

“Not in a malicious sort of, ‘I’m going to wreck your life’ kind of way though, not vindictive.”

I really hope that’s the case, because I had hoped Hunter’s sister was the one person in his family he could at least count on.

He sighs heavily. “No, Bea is just a little immature and probably never engaged her brain, it’s Adam, I have my money on.”

Just thinking about Hunter’s brother sets my teeth on edge. There’s an obvious rivalry there and I wonder if it’s a little too obvious.

“Possibly, although it’s a little juvenile, he struck me as more Machiavellian than that.”

Hunter laughs softly. “No, that’s my department. To be honest, if it was a member of my family, I would happier because at least they would have good reason to trash my reputation. It’s the unknown that worries me, that and the fact you’ve been dragged into it.”

“Was it really that bad?” I can’t quite imagine it was, and Hunter holds me a little tighter.

“They are calling you trailer trash, a prostitute and blaming you for the current state of the markets. I’d say that someone has it in for you quite badly.”

I just laugh, causing him to stiffen in surprise. “What’s so funny?”

“That anyone could believe I was capable of that. Don’t they know you?”

Hunter nips my neck, and I yelp. “What was that for?”

“Reminding you how good you taste.”

“You don’t taste so bad yourself.” Swinging around, I press my lips to his and love how he wraps his hand around the back of my head and pulls me in deeper, groaning as he devours my mouth with a lust that never seems to diminish. Despite the clouds hanging over our heads right now, it feels good to be in his arms. In fact, he is the first man I have ever truly felt comfortable with outside of my brother, and that’s a whole different relationship.

Can we get through this, and where will that leave us? It’s not the story that scares the shit out of me, it’s the thought of the ending that doesn’t seem that far away.
