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I’m surprised when Hunter heads home early and growls, “Resume your position.”

“Seriously, you came home for that.”

I start to laugh and yet something in his eyes causes me to stop when I see the worry that is disturbing him somehow. Was it our conversation last night, has he had second thoughts?

I feel a little nervous as he growls, “Get naked, now.”

Ordinarily, I would tear him a new set of balls for talking to me like that, but there’s a desperation in his eyes that makes me strip on command. He does the same and as we crash against one another, it doesn’t surprise me that he’s inside me in less than ten seconds and it feels so wicked, so dirty and so needed.

We never even made it past the floor of the living room and with every thrust, he growls, “I fucking need this so badly.”

My legs wrap around his waist, pulling him in deeper and he fists my hair and grinds his lips to mine in a frenzied show of passion. He needs this to be raw. I know how his mind works and Hunter needs the release for some reason. Something has happened, and he is using me to make sense of it and so I spin him around and straddle him, holding him down with a firm hand and whisper, “Do as I say.”

I can feel his heart beating so frantically I’m worried for him and kiss him gently on the lips and love the low groan that escapes from deep inside him.

As I kiss him lower, he groans louder and as I taste him, I love the deep masculine smell that tastes so good on my tongue. He is the finest feast for any red-blooded woman and it feels so good to be showing him how much he means to me. I reach lower and as the tip of his cock dances against my tongue, I draw him in deep and wrap my tongue around his shaft, loving how it throbs against the roof of my mouth as he hisses, “Fuck, Lexi, that feels so good.”

Drawing him in deeper, I lick and suck and love how he loses it completely as he thrusts deeper, almost hitting the back of my throat as he fists my hair and rocks harder. This time I control the beast and take my time, loving how the usually controlled man comes apart around me. As he roars his release, I feel the salty liquid coating my taste buds and decide this is my new favorite candy. Licking him clean, I love how his arms wrap around me and pull me up to lie on his chest, as his heart thumps so hard against my cheek I wonder what has happened. Something has, it’s obvious because Hunter doesn’t lose control like this - ever.

He strokes my hair almost absentmindedly, and I smile against his chest when I realize what a strange sight would greet any visitor right now. We are lying naked on the floor of the living room, our clothes tossed aside and discarded in a crumpled heap.

He sighs heavily and I say with concern, “Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”

His voice resembles an approaching storm as he says gruffly, “Ryder came calling.”

At the mention of my President, I stiffen up. This can’t be good.

“It appears we are breaking news tomorrow.”


He pulls me up with him and shifts, so I am sitting in front of him with his arms wrapped around me, and he sniffs my neck and kisses it lightly. “The gutter press is running a story on us. It’s not very favorable and I need to prepare you for that just in case it hits the wires.”

“In case?”

“Ryder’s off to Media Corp as we speak to see what the fuck is happening. If he can, it will be buried but if not...”

“It will be.”

I speak with confidence because if Ryder is pissed, I pity the poor person on his radar.

Hunter tightens his grip and says gruffly, “I actually couldn’t give a fuck what they said about me, I’m used to it, but what’s sent me over the edge is the way they’ve used your past against you.”

“I see.” My heart sinks because I’ve been waiting for this. As soon as Amber Dominguez relayed my beginnings so cruelly in the restroom, I’ve known it’s only a matter of time before word got out about the woman Hunter is spending all his time with.

“Do you think it was Amber?”


I lean back against his chest because Hunter knows nothing of our encounter and as I fill him in, he tenses. “You never told me.”

“I don’t tell you everything you know.”

To my surprise, his laughter chases away the tense atmosphere a little and I say in surprise, “What’s so funny?”

“You. I would have paid money to see the look on her face when she pissed herself.”
