Page 125 of Cocky Caveman

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Shamus doesn’t hesitate. “I’ve got yer back.”

“I know you have.” I clap him on the shoulder. “I’ll need Angus to step it up by making his presence known more often around Ophelia and Gwendoline, and he can drag along whoever is available.”

Shamus watches me intently. “Ye really care for this woman. I can assure ye that it will be Angus’s greatest pleasure to insert himself into their lives regularly. With my brother, they won’t even know he’s watching over them for ye. He will keep me posted, and I’ll let ye know if he’s worried about anything.”

“Thank you. I’ll go say goodbye to the family and have a word to Dad.”

“Meet you back here in ten.” Shamus is all business.

I’ll play it by ear how long my family stays in Alaska. Arrangements will have to get made eventually to fly them home because Raine usually sends a pilot to claim the plane if needed for his purposes.

Shamus and my father are the only two people who know that I have done mercenary work in the past. They never knew the fine details, but if a job ended in my death, I needed them to know when I was heading out and a name and number for a contact they could speak to, which I sealed in an envelope inside my safe at home in the unlikely event I didn’t make it out alive.

My thoughts travel to Ophelia.

I better not get killed.

I’ve just found my forever.

Cocky. Much?





December 26th

The Fainting Goat Ranch is Open For Business

“How cool was today?” Gwen says, expelling a deep breath of air as she drops down beside me where I’m sitting in front of the fire. “I need a drink to celebrate.” She hands me a glass of homemade lemonade while she has brought over a glass of MacDougall white wine for herself. “I’m going to admit I’m a bit knackered from the build up to opening day.”

I fully understand. It wasn’t like we cut a ribbon or anything, but the anticipation for receiving our first guests was as anxiety-driven as it was fun.

“It was aperfect opening day.” I hold my glass up in the air waiting for her to catch on. “Today was a big glass of excitement topped off with a cherry of success.” Our glasses clink together in agreement.

All four couples are professionals in their late twenties. They came as a group from New York and are up for a busy time during their five-night stay, taking in the food and activities Temecula wine country has to offer.

Two of the male guests dropped by the corrals just before sunset while I fed the animals to let me know they collectively decided to book a MacDougall Winery Estate wine tour after tasting the sample wines that we left the guests in the tiny houses as a welcome gift. They are also going hot air ballooning in the morning after reading the brochures we left in their tiny houses, then clicking on my Instagram page to see the postings of my experience with the company.

Hashtag win!

Never underestimate the power of social media.

I finish the last refreshing drop from my glass before lying down on my back with my head tucked under a cushion in Gwen’s lap. “I don’t think I will be staying up very late tonight,” I mumble, “I’m so tired.” I yawn as though to prove my point. We’ve been working long hours the past ten days, and it is catching up to me. Or it’s a combination of the sexy dreams I’m having with Tucker starring in them disturbing my sleep, waking me up to grab for BOB to work the tension out of my body, and working our arses off to ensure today was a success.

“Christmas Day turned a lot rowdier than we thought. Those MacDougall brothers know how to have a good time, and then we were up at the butt crack of dawn this morning feeding the animals and letting the butterflies in our stomachs fly free.” Gwen plays with the strands of my hair, staying quiet for a few seconds. It’s not her strong point to remain quiet for long periods. “You know, I think I need to go up in a hot air balloon. They look fun.” She pauses again, contemplating her next words. “Maybe with Mr. Shamus McKilt. He looks like he could be fun to float with around the sky. By the way, when is that hunk of man coming back from Alaska?”

“Maybe inquire discreetly through Paisley.” I doubt any of the MacDougall brothers will answer my friend without shit-stirring her for asking after their brother. “You do know I am going to miss you when you go back to Australia.”

“I know. I’m a good distraction.”

“You are more to me than a distraction.”

“Too right. I am the best friend a girl can have,” she says without ego because she is. I adore her. “You’re my Thelma to my Louise, but now I see you have a Tucker.” She sighs dramatically. “I know he’s going to be your great love. You just have to let yourself fall,” she says softly.
