Page 140 of Cocky Caveman

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I tell Jensen everything like he’s my best friend at high school, level of detail. He listens without interruption, never wavering from showing me his best poker face until I come up for air.

I didn’t go into my parents’ death because that’s not what this conversation is about. He already knew how they died and the other? Well, it won’t change anything.

“So, you really like this guy a lot?”

I nod.

“I’m happy for you, Aussie.” And I can see he means it.

“I understand if you can’t be friends with me anymore.” I’m giving him my blessing to bow out.

“And miss out on your baked Aussie treats you give to Dad? Not a chance.” He nudges me gently with his elbow and waits for a reaction.

I nudge him back and try to lighten the moment. “So, all I am to you is lamingtons and pavlova?”

Jensen shows his cards, losing the casual vibe he’s putting forth for long enough for me to see he’s hurting underneath. “Nah, but I figure I would rather know you than not know you. You have laid your cards on the table from the start. My pride’s feeling sore. I will get over it in time.”

“I wasn’t interested in finding a guy to like more than a friend,” I say softly, “to be honest, I may be jumping the gun with my feelings, and it scares me a little.”

“That’s how all good love stories start.” He gives me a crooked smile.

But how do they end?

Another moment of shared awkward silence hovers between us. I want things to go back to the way they once were, but I have to accept that we may never get back to that place no matter what Jensen says.

Jensen slaps his thigh and stands. “Well, time to leave you to it and go join the guests and mingle.”

I stand and tug on his hand. “Are we okay, Jensen?”

He hits me with a smile. “Aussie, we couldnevernot be okay. It is all on me. You have a friend for life if you want me.”

“I do, Peterson.”

I think we are going to be okay.




Softly shutting the bedroom door, I head on down her hallway.

I won’t lie; discovering Ophelia has a boyfriend doesn’t tickle.Angus made sure to pull me aside, registering my confusion over the sunflowers when Shamus was in talking with her. He updated me on Ophelia’s relationship status but also added it is still a work in progress. Whatever that means. But he still tacked on, Ophelia is no longer single, even if she hasn’t quite worked it out.

I appreciate Ophelia coming clean about when it all started, but it doesn’t stop my chest from feeling like piranhas have hollowed it out with ice picks for teeth.

When Ophelia told me she wasn’t interested in dating any guys, I did the right thing because what’s a guy to do?

I got friend-zoned.

I thought patience would eventually get me over the line with Ophelia. I enjoy her company, and she is one hell of a woman. Working side-by-side on her property, teaching her some of my carpentry skills, and watching her dedication was a good day spent at the office.

Listening to her laugh at my flirting and humor, well, I honestly thought I could win her over, eventually. I convinced myself I was getting somewhere.

In hindsight, she made sure she paid me for all my work and never took any discount from me. Not a dime. She made sure to keep the business side of our friendship precisely that.

So, I am the ass who let his heart wander off blindly without reeling it in. None of this is on Ophelia.
