Page 141 of Cocky Caveman

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Am I jealous another guy could do what I couldn’t? Of course. He got the date, the family, the sleepover, and her heart.

What’s a guy to do?

Stay permanently in the friend zone and be a good friend.

Even if it bites ass.




There’s a crispknock-knockon my bedroom door just as I am finishing up peeling off the Aussie flag tattoo on my left cheek, and I have the Aboriginal flag on my right cheek. Gwendoline will have the same on her face.

Today she drew the short straw, and I got the best outfit to wear. I am looking forward to seeing Gwen in her costume.

“Yo! Wildlife Warrior, we can’t have an Aussie barbie without Aussies. Get your sweet ass out here.”

“Hold onto your knickers, Angus. I’m coming.”

“Ba-boom, that’s what she said.”

I swing the door open. “What the hell, Angus?” I laugh. “You look—”

“Yeah-yeah, I know. I’m brilliant as you are about to see.”

“Oh, wow, Angus. You areAngus!” I admire the effort this amazing, confident man has gone to, dressing up for the guests, which is so cool. He has transformed into Angus Young—the guy who dresses as a schoolboy—from AC/DC, orACCA DACCAas we Aussies affectionately call the band.

Yeah, I know, don’t try to understand our logic with slang. It will drive you crazy.

He’s wearing the complete outfit: private school shorts, white shirt, blazer, striped tie (loosely hanging around his neck like he just doesn’t care), cap, and wig, his socks pushed down around his ankles, and an electric guitar slung across his chest.

“Quit yer ogling, ye know ye can’t be one of my groupies, Tucker will have my hide. Come along, sexy Crocodile Huntress. It’s time to get this party rocking.” He takes my free hand in his and guides me over the threshold and down the hallway.

“Okay, but it is just a casual, laid-back barbie with Fainting Goat guests and friends,” I remind him as he guides me along.

“Not on my watch. Now first things first. Everything straight with you and Peterson?” Angus asks as we make our way through my home toward the outside deck.

“Yes. I hurt Jensen, but we are going to try and be friends.”

“I don’t doubt ye did. When a woman looks like ye do, and she doesn’t mirror what’s in yer heart…” he trails off as we walk through the open bi-folding doors onto the deck. “It can tend to sting for a while, but we eventually get over it.”

He walks us across the decking. I notice a drum kit with various guitars on stands spread out in front of the drums with microphone stands and other instruments.

“Is a band playing?” I state the obvious but sound surprised, nonetheless.

“So, Shamus can play the drums, then who is playing these other—”

“Och, woman! Ye didn’t think my brother was the only MacDougall with musical talent, did ye? Some of us don’t worship the spotlight, but we areguuuud.Realguuuud.Be prepared to have yer world rocked shortly with the local talent. I am ready to bring the house down. For now, go chat with yer guests until we are ready to get started. One band member is new and needs a little extra coaching. Ye didn’t think I got dressed up in my AC/DC best for nothing, did ye? It isn’t just an Australian icon cosplay outfit, although Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow Scotland, I’ll let ye have them as Aussies.”

“Okay.” I grin. “Well, this is exciting. Thank you.”

“It is Tucker’s idea and song choices; we just love the guy enough to pull out all the stops for him.Aanndwe might like ye just as much.”

“Awww,you are gonna make me cry, Angus MacDougall.” The emotion I am trying to keep tamped down is threatening to rise.

“Christ, woman, don’t go doing that; we’re trying to make ye smile today. Just know, we are all rooting for ye and Tucker.”
