Page 144 of Cocky Caveman

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“Are you ready to rock, Alice?” she says into the microphone.

“I can’t wait to rock.” She giggles with excitement.

I need to get photos and a video capturing Alice rocking out for Tucker. I realize I can’t do both. “Gwen, make sure you video Alice for Tucker with your phone, and I’ll get the pictures.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. I think I have a crush on Alice.”

Tucker’s sister looks over to Shamus, and he raises his drumsticks in the air and gives her a wink. Then he nods to her, and she raises her hand in the air, her palm parallel with the tambourine.

Shamus counts Alice in with his sticks held above his head. “One. Two. Three.”

Her tambourine shakes against her palm for six beats to the rhythm of her solo part of the song’s start; then Paisley is back-to-back with her, tapping her foot, then she plucks the strings on her bass guitar, adding to the sound.

I know the song. It’s “Are You Gonna Be My Girl” by Jet.

Alice’s tambourine shaking is perfectly timed, not faltering with Paisley’s added bass.

Then Shamus’s sticks hit the drums, joining in, and Alice doesn’t miss a beat.

I know what comes next. Angus’s electric guitar brings the music to the next level, and then it’s Wiley’s turn to add his guitar.

Alice watches Paisley for her cue on when to stop shaking the tambourine, and then Wiley adds his vocals, singing his heart out, and then they all hit their beats again, and music pours out of the instruments.

Wiley’s now singing the lyrics to his wife, who is grinning big at her husband.

The titles of the songs make me feel alive on the inside. Tucker is sending me messages through his song choices, making me miss him more.

It kind of feels surreal. Tucker’s not here, but he organized to be here in his own way.

Gwendoline shouts in my ear, “I hope Shamus throws his drumsticks at me afterward, and Angus throws his guitar pick at Teagan. Wiley has to throw his guitar pick to Paisley.” She states the obvious, which is far too cute for my friend dancing on the spot, glued to Shamus.

The song comes to a finish, and we all clap and cheer.

“Alice, take a bow,” Wiley says into the microphone. “Let’s hear it for Alice Royal, the newest member of our unofficial band.” We make some more noise and Alice giggles.

I love how these big Scottish men can make her so happy.

Teagan and Jensen have been watching from the side together, talking to each other.

Angus glares at Jensen, holding it a little too long not to be sending a message.

Angus breaks himself out of his trance. “We have one more song for ye today. It’s a classic Aussie number. Paisley, lass, it is time to show everyone you’re not just an awesome bass player. Ye have other musical talents.”

We wildly clap while Alice leaves the stage and makes her way over to us.

Paisley takes her guitar and places it on the stand. No roadies here today.

When Alice arrives, I hug her. “You were freaking amazing.”

“Thank you. I had fun. Shamus told me he would teach me the drums while we are living next door, and Teagan is ordering me a kilt, so I look the part.”

“I can’t wait to see you wearing a kilt and playing the drums.”

“Me too,” Alice giggles.

Gwen is practically vibrating next to me with excitement. “What has you all pepped up?”

“Paisley has picked up a flute.”

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