Page 145 of Cocky Caveman

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“You are off your game,” she scolds me, folding her arms across her Vegemite jar costume while rolling her eyes.

I’m still thinking.

“Duuuh!Aflute!Classic Aussie song. Do the math, woman.”

“Oohh.” My eyes go wide. “I haven’t heard that song in forever.”

“Gwendoline and Ophelia, would ye mind coming up here? We heard from a reliable source that ye two know how to belt out a tune. Ye can be backup vocals,” Angus announces. “I learned the words to this song especially for ye ladies, but I reckon ye would know them.”

Gwen tugs on my hand. “Come on. The band needs us.”

“But who is going to take photos and video?” I’m serious. I don’t want to miss any of this.

Teagan holds her hand out for the camera around my neck, Alice waves her phone in the air and—

“Aussie, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Jensen snaps a candid photo of Gwen and me before we have even moved toward the band. “Dad’s still not here. I’m sending this to him to tell him to hurry up because he’s missing out on all the fun. Now get going. The band awaits.” He shoos us off.I hope Hank is okay.“Go be Aussie queens of rock.”

“He’s got that right.” Gwen yanks me forward.

“I hope you are all hungry because the Aussie-style barbie will follow our last song with an Australian pie floater challenge. I’ll give you a hint: it involves a beef pie and mushy pea soup. Och, look at the ladies screwing their faces up.” Angus points to the three female Fainting Goat Ranch guests. They giggle at his antics.

Alice and Teagan are pulling ‘yuk’ faces. “Not you two as well?” Angus puts a hand on his hip, pretending to be disappointed. “Sweet Alice, sometimes you have to live dangerously. I know you will try it for me because you love me.” I note how he omits Teagan.

Alice giggles and nods her head. “I love you too, Angus.”

“Of course, you do. My favorite Alice in the whole world.”

“It still sounds yucky.”

“Sure, it sounds a bit weird. But it is said that a Scottish immigrant brought the recipe over to Australia in the late 1800s, but Aussies will argue it was their creation.” Angus one-shoulder shrugs. “I guess we will never know, but now it is time to rock this last song.”

Paisley offers us a microphone on a stand she’s brought over from the side of the decking to share with a flourish of her hand.

“Ladies, you work the harmony, or whatever works for you.” Then she raises the flute like a flutist ready to erm start fluting and turns her body to the kilted drummer. “Shamus, let’s do this.”

Shamus plays the quirky drum beat intro that sets the tone of “Down Under”by Men at Work. A light and fun song to sing along to, and then Paisley adds the flute and Wiley guitar.

Angus animatedly sings the song without playing his guitar, concentrating on entertaining the audience with his vocals and actions, encouraging the small group to join in. He is a born entertainer with or without a musical instrument.

Gwen and I do a surprisingly good job of singing bad karaoke, but we have never cared we can’t sing; we just love to do it.

We do a great job of hamming it up with our dancing for our audience.

There are cheers and applause when the song finishes, which means we did okay.

I take a moment to use the microphone, thanking the band for making this afternoon memorable for everyone.

All I can think is I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends in my life to keep me smiling today as I walk toward my kitchen to collect what I need for the barbecue.

I notice on my walk that Jensen is missing from the sea of heads just as my phone pings when I place it on the kitchen marble counter.

Jensen:Aussie, I am sorry, but I had to leave during your song. My grandfather has passed away peacefully at the age of eighty-six while taking his afternoon nap. Dad and I will be catching the first available flight to Florida to be with my grandmother.

Me:I am so sorry. Does your grandmother have somebody with her?

Jensen:Grandma is in good hands. They live in a retirement community with staff, so she is surrounded by people who care about her. Dad isn’t doing so great with the sad news. He had a strained relationship with his father, but he never stopped loving him.
