Page 151 of Cocky Caveman

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“Oh, so this is a girl’s only lunch?” I am still fishing, but they both make the universal sign for zipping their lips. “Nice. I love the idea, whatever it is. I best be getting dressed then. So, who did you say I have to thank for the gifts?”

They repeat zipping their lips.

Okay, so neither of them wants me to ask who is behind the gifts, but I have a pretty good idea after Alice nearly said the person’s name, but I am a good sport. I will play along with their speed of surprise reveal.

“Just another thing,” Teagan says, “Shamus sent me a message from Angus’s phone, Gwen has—”

A loud, obnoxious continual honking rudely interrupts Teagan.

A red sports car speeding along my driveway comes into view, but the occupant aggressively worships the horn.

“Oh, no”—Alice has to raise her voice—“it is that crazy lady who bothered me.” She stands closer to Teagan, a clear sign she isn’t comfortable.

“Is everything alright?” I call out over the now staccato honking. I don’t like the sound ofAliceandcrazy ladyin the same sentence.

“Damn… she must have followed us here,” Teagan shouts while scowling. She looks thoroughly annoyed.

Based on Alice’s reaction and the excessive use of the car’s horn, I am not a fan already.

“Who—?” The crazy lady comes to a screeching halt, sending dirt into the air. I have a bad feeling about this confrontation.

Crazy lady is out of the car, slamming her door and sashaying like she’s on a runway over to us wearing soft black plants that ripple with her movements and a strapless gold bodice, announcing how lean her torso is with black and gold low heels. She looks haute couture expensive from some leading fashion house.

“Hello again,ladies,” she says smarmily with a European accent.

The sisters mumble what I think sounds like unpleasantries rather than greetings.

The model-thin blonde looks familiar, but I can’t place her.

“I just had to stop and make a call, but I can see the next-door neighbor might be of more help to me than you two,” she snarls at my friends.

Red flag!

Crazy lady is all up in my personal space, looking me up and down, well, mostly down because I am so short in comparison, tapping a finger with a painted gold nail against her chin.

Oh boy, I have an intimidator imposter sizing me up. I stand straighter because she is a lot taller than me. This chick looks barely legal, and she is trying this shit onme.Or she has amazing skin products, and that is when my mind gets a lead on where I might be able to place her.

“So, canyoutell me wheremyShamus is?” She waves a dismissive hand in the sisters’ direction. “They can’t, but the tall skinny one (she is talking about Teagan) already let slip he was helping a neighbor, and you are his neighbor. And if you choose to be difficult, I will make your life hell.”


Miss Entitled isn’t even going to pretend to be nice. We went from zero to sixty with trying to threaten me.

“And you are?” I still can’t quite place her, but it is coming to me.

Two sculpted eyebrows shoot up into her smooth forehead.Hmm,maybe she isn’t as young as I think.

“Birgitta Karlsson, fashion and cosmetics über model. You may have seen me on the covers of—”

“Nope. I haven’t.” I don’t care to hear the rest of her sentence. I instantly dislike this female and her attitude toward my friends and me.

Crossing my arms, I cock my head on the side and study her, taking my time, letting her know I am not in a hurry. Everything about her is a man’s fantasy, from her long legs to her tiny waist. Her face is heavily made-up, and she has perfectly styled wavy long hair a hairstylist must have spent hours perfecting. The bottom line is that she is exceptionally beautiful, but I can see it’s only the skin her genetics blessed her with; the rest is spoiled and rotten underneath. But who am I to judge? We work with what we get given in life, and I am perfectly at peace with being a shorty.

“IamShamus’s girlfriend, and I would like to know where he is or if you can contact him to let him know I have arrived. He is expecting me.” She crosses her arms, mimicking me and taps her foot. I assume she is waiting for me to jump through hoops for her. Not. Gonna. Happen.

“Aah,the model who dumped Shamus for a billionaire cosmetics heir and broke his heart. Why would you come here to ask a total stranger where yourex-boyfriendis if he is expecting you?” Teagan has some spice of her own to add, holding Coco a little closer to her heart.

Not to judge, but what was Shamus thinking? Again, not judging, just inner monologuing.
