Page 152 of Cocky Caveman

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“You know nothing,” she spits over her shoulder at Teagan.Wow. Lady is a viper.“Shamus loves me. We are perfect together.”

Oh, boy.

“Birgitta, look, honey, we have only met a few times, but you shouldn’t have followed us here.” Teagan bravely takes a step toward the she-devil. “We already told you we don’t know where Shamus is. He left to help a friend out. You should leave. We took your name and number—”

“Shamushasmy number.I am his girlfriend—”

“Ex,” I pipe up to remind her of what the actual facts are.

“Whatever. He isn’t answering his phone, and Tavish, his father, won’t tell me where he is.”

“Well, if Shamus’s dad isn’t telling you, then that is your sign. Teagan will pass on you are looking for him.” Time for the crazy lady to leave my property.

She steps closer, leaning down into my face, pulling a high school bully move, pointing her manicured finger at my nose like she’s about to poke me.

“Really?” Both my eyebrows rise to the occasion. “This bully act might work on other people, but just because I am short, you think I can’t lay you out on the ground before you can blink. You don’t know who you are messing with.”

She leans in another inch.

Well, that didn’t work.

I think of Tucker calling me a spitfire and rise onto my tiptoes and gnash my teeth at her finger, causing her to yelp and jump back a step.

“Let’s try this another way. Please remove yourself from my property. You are not welcome here. You are ruining my vibe. I have a romantic dress and Jimmy Choo shoes in a bag with my name on them, and I am on my way to lunch with my sisterhood.” Girl is raining on my parade, ruining my Valentine’s Day vibe.

She ugly snarls at me before sitting on the ground: Haute couture and all. Lady has too much money.

“She is mean,” Alice whispers to Oscar. I am inclined to agree.

“Come on, ladies, let us go around back. She can sit out there or leave. It doesn’t matter to me.” I pick up the designer-brand shopping bags I had left on the ground at my feet in each hand before linking my arms with each of the sisters, and we walk away as a unified sisterhood, listening to the unwanted visitor screeching at us.

Girl has a tantrum on her fit for a crazy bitch.

I walk away in cute Fainting Goat merchandise slippers, wearing a thigh-length robe, and have my hair twisted up in a fluffy pink towel without a stitch of makeup on, but I make sure to sashay like I am a diva on a runway.

“Somebody needs their morning nap.” Teagan giggles.

“Wow! What did Shamus see in her?” I wonder out loud.

“She is vulgar.” Alice nails it.

We round the corner, and I click the little gate behind me, whispering, “I checked in on Gwen earlier, so I am aware that Shamus went for a hike with Gwen at Wild Horse Trail, but—”

“Not exactly.” Teagan holds her finger to her lips until we stand on my decking, and the sisters release Coco and Oscar to run around. They are due a toilet break anyway. Then she quickly tells me what she knows.

Oh, poor Gwen.

“Paisley is coming now to put her nursing skills to good use and look at her ankle. Gwen is in safe hands. Wiley should be here soon with Shamus and Gwen. I can’t cancel lunch because wheels are in motion, and I know Gwen will not want to miss out, so we will deal with that when we see how badly she is hurt. If we must bring lunch to her bedroom, then so be it.” Teagan sounds determined to make the lunch a success no matter what.

“If you both want to go inside, I’ll watch the dogs do their business, and then I’ll come and get dressed. I’ll only be a minute.”

“I’ll help you, Ophelia.” Alice is always up for spending time with the little dogs.

“Then I’ll take the bags to your rooms and hang the dresses up. They have spent too long as it is stuffed in a bag,” Teagan coos at the designer bags as though they are alive. “I’ll get the hairstyling station set up.”

“That would be helpful. Thanks, Teagan.”

Alice and I wander around as Coco and Oscar sniff and sniff some more as they find the right spot to do their business.
