Page 157 of Cocky Caveman

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Nice one.

“She lies. There is no video.” Birgitta is a one-woman cheer squad.

“I don’t think so, missy.” Alice holds her phone in the air as though that is proof enough.

“Are you daring my friend to put the video on her Instagram account and YouTube? I bet the modeling contracts you hold would get shredded.”

“It would be tough coming back from your true nature getting unveiled for the viral world to glimpse,” Angus adds on.

“Hear that, babycakes? Do you know what the word ‘viral’ means?” It is a win-win situation.

I gather she does the way she sneers at me, showing perfect white teeth.

I am so done with this female.

“Time to put your adult undies on. I am getting off you now. I expect no trouble and that apology.” I roll off her and sit up, taming my wet strands of hair away from my face where they had randomly gotten plastered during my wrestling frolic with Birgitta.

I don’t even feel embarrassed that along the way, my thigh-length robe slid off my body completely, leaving me in only my underwear and goat slippers, well, one slipper. The guys have seen me in my bikini, soeh.I wasn’t expecting to be caught wrestling half-naked with a cray-cray model, but here I am. At least I have fun undies on with Powerpuff Girl: Bubbles on the front and butt, and I didn’t slip a nipple out during the fiasco from my Victoria’s Secret white lace plunge bra. Thank goodness I didn’t wear the matching lace thong. Today, I wanted to feel cute and sexy, so I did a little of each.

But now, looking down, I’m no longer wearing a pure-white bra.Bugger!I don’t have another bra suitable to wear under the dress. I’ll have to go braless. Easier said than done with my breasts, and the undies will need a silk upgrade.

I must look a state with straggly wet hair, bloodied bra, and no doubt part of my face is coated in a smeary paste of blood and saliva. Yum. Somebody needs another shower.

Birgitta is surprisingly still and quiet beside me when Angus crouches down with his back to her,his face carved with deep frown lines as he studies me.

He silently hands me a navy handkerchief. I thank him, taking it and dabbing at my face. “I’m okay,” I reassure him by squeezing his arm.

Angus goes to say something but stops himself. Instead, he assists me by pulling my hair back away from my shoulders, holding it in one hand, examining my back and face.

Angus curses like a sailor under his breath. “How low can ye go to bite another woman’s shoulder?” His voice strains, like he has trouble holding his anger in check.

Birgitta’s face turns from a delicate shade of white lily to crimson. “I don’t know what you—”

“Don’t!” he snaps. “Don’t dare spill another lie to me. Ophelia can’t bite herself. The least ye can do is own up to yer behavior.”

The adrenaline pulsing through my body evaporates, making me feel the throbbing beat surrounding the bite area.

“I only wanted to see Shamus,” she says quietly.

“Well, as ye can see, he isn’t here. So why did ye stay and bring chaos? Alice and Teagan told ye they would pass on yer message. None of this makes sense.”

“Sorry,” she whimpers.

“I don’t need or want yer apology. Direct it to Alice and Ophelia, and ye better mean every word.”


What a spoilt brat.

I get helped up by Angus, who hands me my robe. “You might want to slip this back on, although ye are looking mighty fine. I love the panties. Tucker is a lucky man.”

There are barely audible mutterings beside me from the crazy chick. I ignore her and one-shoulder shrug. “Just like wearing a bikini.”

“Tomato—tomayto, but if ye say so. Tucker will be pissed when he finds out ye got punched and bit and scratched up. And is that saliva on yer face?”

“It is nothing, honestly. I was a bounty hunter. This is child’s play—with the emphasis onchild.I can handle myself.”

“I can see that. And nice choice.”
