Page 162 of Cocky Caveman

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I tug my black long-sleeved shirt over my head to reveal the grey T-shirt underneath. Then I put the Kevlar vest on to get hidden from view. We aren’t out to draw attention to ourselves.

“I’ll see you outside. I’ll load everyone up,” Hazard says in that gravelly voice of his, walking away without further ado.

The big guy and I get along great, but it is a whole different dynamic working side-by-side with a biker than with Slade, who is ex-Special Forces and knows my capabilities without question.

I don’t know Hazard’s past and what their club is into, and he wouldn’t tell me if I asked, but I know I can rely on him.

I need to keep Ophelia and my family well away from the Soulless Bastards’ radar even though my loyal buddies, Ghost and Boxer, vouch for Hazard and all the men involved in this operation. I trust Boxer and Ghost with my life, but I am keeping Ophelia under wraps even from my trusted friends, for now.

Speaking of my woman, hopefully, my lunch for Ophelia, my sisters, Gwen and Paisley, goes off without a hitch.

I gave Gwen some tasks on my to-do list for Valentine’s Day, but I found much to my amusement when she gets given an inch—how dedicated she is to assist me outside of her original tasks.

At one stage, it was fast going in the direction of her shopping on my behalf for a gift basket filled with intimate sex toys and fluffy handcuffs and such. There’s nothing wrong with erotic toys and any equipment, there’s a lot of right with it, but I want our first Valentine’s Day to be a romantic gesture, even if I can’t be there to witness it.

Admittedly, one of Gwen’s ideas I took like a duck to water with was the leather Tantra lovemaking chair, designed more like two smoothly curved humps at different heights on either side of a valley. After clicking on the link that she sent me and watching the selection of short videos where naked couples are making love in every position known in slow motion… well, they say a picture paints a thousand words.


The videos are marketing genius, making me see the merits in putting one of those in a soundproof room. There is no way Ophelia could stay quiet if I had her luscious, naked body spread for me in all the positions made possible in/on/over that comfy piece of genius design. Including having her bent over the high end of the tantra chair.

My dick is getting hard just thinking about all the fun we could have.

I put in a temporary delivery date, subject to change for that piece of well-thought-out furniture to get delivered wherever I end up living because Iwillbe with Ophelia, and I will have a soundproof room built because I am already planning to move to Temecula, even if I buy a property, knock it down and rebuild my own home to be close to her—I will.

Yeah-yeah, I am getting a little ahead of myself.

A man can dream; it costs nothing.

I love my house in Redondo Beach, but Ophelia is worth the sacrifice.

Hell, why do you think I got her those animals. I wanted to prove to Ophelia that she could carry on in life and love didn’t have to hurt.

After the letter I received from Ophelia on the 26thof January, I’m hedging my bets she will eventually confess her love for me with some solid courting on my behalf. I have already got her stating she is ‘fond of me,’ and she admits in her roundabout way to missing me. Hell, I am well over the maybe line and entering the sure-thing territory. She wants me to stay safe.

How could she not fall into my arms the next time we meet.

Cocky. Much?

Do I really need to answer that?

I was always in this for the long game.

No pressure.

Just wooing.

Lots ofwooooing.

You can call me Cocky Wooer.

King of courting.



