Page 163 of Cocky Caveman

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Looking at my reflection, I decide I scrubbed up well after the Birgitta scuffle with expert makeup disguising my bruises, and the cascading swirls of fabric hide the nasty bite on my shoulder.

I twirl around, watching the billowing fabric floating around me. I’m not one for romantic-floaty-flower dresses, but this woman looking back at me feels happy and pretty after Alice, Teagan, and Paisley got finished with me. The trio flitted back and forth between Gwen and me, assisting us both.

Due to time constraints, we decided on a sleek, low ponytail—my face framed with strands of curled hair with a gadget Paisley brought with her. Alice slid in a few randomly placed metal hairpins with colored diamantes on the ends, completing my hairstyle.

Before my friends left me alone to check on Gwen’s progress, Alice requested a photo of me for her album collection by myself and with her. I am always happy to oblige Alice’s requests. These memories are so important to her, and I asked for copies to get sent to my phone. Alice really is a talented photographer.

My phone pings, revealing a smiling Gwen, frocked up, hair on point in an updo with a medium-sized round Band-Aid on her cheek, transformed into a fashion statement with body paint by Paisley. I can only assume Wiley got sent on a mission to bring his wife what she needed to accomplish the task, which now artfully hides her graze underneath.

BAE:Don’t be late for this important date. I am lounging like a goddess waiting for you at the secret destination. Please send me a selfie of your goddess self. I hope you love the dress. I couldn’t have planned both our unfortunate series of events to fall on this date if I tried. Our bad. I think we gave Shamus heart failure. But what do we do? We dust ourselves off and frock up! Now look under your pillow for the sealed letter from the hottie who is wooing you and read it. Then open your bedroom door, and Angus should be standing there waiting to blindfold you and bring you to me. How exciting!! Don’t take too long mooning over Tucker and his letter. XX

I am over by the bed, tossing my pillow aside in seconds, snatching up the floral envelope, impatiently tearing it open with one of the long hairpins I slid out of my hair.

Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful.

What delightful correspondence I received from you last month. I thought it only fair to reply to your questions today.

My favorite flower, it seems, is whatever makes you happiest, so that would be the sunflower.

I am not a huge fan of ice cream, but if I can lick your spoon, I would be up for sharing a tub any day of the week. I am sure we could get creative with it.

My favorite color? Your shade of nude. I think you left that wide open (pun intended).

My favorite song? Anything ’70s/’80s you sway your delectable hips to while singing badly without a care in the world for whose ears bleed because you are in your happy place.

My favorite movie is the soon-to-be-released rom-com starring a handsome, cocky caveman who sent a sassy spitfire to her knees in a café. Their meet-cute lasts for days, crushing every Meg Ryan meet-cute movie, although we are along the lines of You’ve Got Mail because it is the only way we correspond.

Spoiler alert: the guy gets the girl.

By now, I will have received a selfie of you in your gorgeous dress from Gwen, my not-so-secret ally, via Alice because I know you can’t say no to her. Re: secret weapon.

I am looking forward to you singing the praises of my Valentine’s lunch in a letter, seeing I can’t be there to share myself with you in person.

And if I were there in person, I would be too distracted for food; I would be throwing you over my shoulder and heading straight for your bedroom so I could eat you.

Too soon for dirty talk?

Your Cocky Caveman


Cue all the Tucker feelings.

I can finally admit, quietly, that I have been no longer fighting my attraction toward the man, who has been there for me every step of the way since meeting him. This feels real and a foundation to build on.

I don’t need to suffer any longer for being a survivor of the accident. I know my family would have loved Tucker and his family, welcoming them with open arms.

When Teagan silenced her sister when they handed the designer shopping bag to me outside, they gave away who was behind this lunch, and they were damn cute trying to cover it up.

Tucker is somewhere out there risking his life but has time to put a goofy smile on my face with surprises.

Is it weird I feel this ridiculously happy?

It can be just this easy.

Boy meets girl.

Banter and flirting follow.
