Page 64 of Cocky Caveman

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Tucker shrugs. Angus has a humorous time dealing with this news. “Already straightened out.”

“What? When?”Am I a lot drunk?

“I messaged your cousin the last time you went to the bathroom, about an hour ago. Yesterday he gave me his number when I dropped in to see you. I sent him a few photos of our hot air balloon adventure and asked if he needed you back by any particular time. His response was for you to call him and let him know of your plans, but they would gladly hold down the fort until you came home, even if it was in the morning.”

“But we are just friends,” I whisper and watch Teagan trying to smother a smile behind her clasped hands as she rests her elbows on the table.

“And friends have sleepovers.” Tucker laughs like it makes complete sense. And it kind of does. I’m the one making more out of this than there needs to be because he is going to Alaska. I don’t have anything to worry about.

Santiago gets up, clearing his throat. “I will leave you two to your privacy, Ophelia and Tucker. Teagan and Alice will assist me with the table leftovers and walking the food trolleys back to the elevator.”

“I will help you,” I all but shout, jumping up from the table. “I have been waited on, and I would like to pull my weight with cleaning up.”

Teagan holds her hands up. “Forgive my manners. You are our guest. Alice and I are on kitchen duty, and we will shoo Santiago out the door to go home to his beloved Isabella. We have kept them separated for too long.”

I walk around the table to Santiago and hug him. “Thank you so much for the delicious brunch and company. If you ever want a weekend away with your wife, please call me, and a tiny house Airbnb will be yours free of charge as a thank you from me for this wonderful brunch.”

“That won’t be necess—”

“Please… I insist. I look forward to hearing from you.” I pull a Fainting Goat Ranch business card out of my phone’s cover and hand it to him. “I can highly recommend the hot air balloon ride.”

Santiago gives me a dashing smile and a bow of his head. “Thank you, Miss Ophelia.”

“Santiago!” Alice says excitedly.

“What do you need, Sweet Alice?”

“Group photo for my album.”

“Your wish is granted.” Santiago bows low. I can see he adores her.

Alice organizes us all so we fit into her group selfie and makes sure to take at least six photos—just in case—making us all laugh at the directions she gives us. The words she wants us to shout out. She wants everybody to move around until she is satisfied with what she needs for her album.

“Ophelia, could I please have one with you and Tucker as well?”

Oh, boy!Dangerous territory.

I don’t have the heart to deny her request.

Santiago and Teagan quietly collect all the dishes and leftovers while I stand here thinking I have no excuse that will warrant disappointing Alice.

“My big sister knows what she is doing. You can say ‘no,’ and she will survive.” Tucker is standing far too snug against my back. He’s giving me an out for our photo. I didn’t even take a picture of the two of us up in the hot air balloon. I know Tucker was sneaking footage with his GoPro, but I didn’t take one of the two of us.

Alice waits patiently for my answer. It is just a picture, so I agree.

“Ophelia and Tucker, you need to move away from the table so I can get the ocean in the background.” I can’t help smiling at Alice’s intent to get a picture of the two of us together precisely how she wants it.

“Now or never. Speak up or forever hold your peace,” Tucker murmurs into my hair, sending a shiver up my body. “Are you cold, or do I do things to you, Hamlet?”

I want to snap a sarcastic reply in defense, but Alice has gripped my hand and is herding me toward the balcony. I think I am too relaxed from the alcohol to press my point or too tired.

I could probably do with an afternoon nap to sober up. When Tucker invaded my dreams last night, I kept pushing him out. Then I couldn’t sleep, so I have only had a few hours of rest until a noisy motorcycle interrupted my peace this morning with a cocky guy riding it. If he hadn’t arrived, I might have gone back to bed for a couple of hours, so it’s a combination of working hard landscaping the day before and not much sleep. That’s my story, and I’m sticking with it.

Dammit! If Alice wants a picture, she can have a picture, and then I’ll be back in control of my ‘no male distractions’ rule by tomorrow.

Seconds before Alice snaps a photo, Tucker moves behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist, lowering his head to my shoulder. “Say ‘cheese.’”


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