Page 65 of Cocky Caveman

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I silently tell myself that I have everything under control. The guy is going away to Alaska. We are friends who don’t have selfie boundaries.

It’s not like I will kiss Tucker or wind up in his bed.

Never say never.




It’s like Ophelia’s known my sisters for years instead of hours.

Alice has claimed her, and Ophelia has played along generously with everything my sister threw at her. More than I would have tried to secret out of Ophelia because I am trying to walk a careful line, I still have trouble keeping a personal space boundary.

I could have sat farther away from her, but I didn’t. Bit by bit, my body gravitates toward Ophelia: an arm across the back of her chair, our thighs touching.

Would you believe me if I said I tried to keep my hands off her?

I wouldn’t believe me either.

Nothing is by accident. I am testing how responsive her body is toward me, even if her mouth resists me.

If I move my leg a little away from Ophelia’s under the table, her leg gravitates back to mine. The pull is magnetic.

Some of Alice’s questions have been hard for her to answer, but Ophelia doesn’t shy away. That is the power of Sweet Alice.

My body’s response is to comfort Ophelia by massaging her nape and playing with the strands of her ponytail. At the same time, she answers the interrogation squad, while I hope to soothe the ripples of unease at her exposing so much to people she has only just met.

Ophelia doesn’t notice when her body ever so slightly turns toward mine while she talks animatedly with Alice, but Teagan does. My twin repeatedly taps my foot gently under the table; our poker faces are impenetrable. Neither letting on, but we are both tuned in to Ophelia’s frequency, looking for signs that my beautiful guest is into me more than she wants to admit.

I can tell Teagan is all in with Ophelia. She’s always been a good judge of character.

Alice can be obsessive about filling her albums with candid moments, and our brunch is no exception.

Ophelia is important to Alice, so I find myself getting moved into position behind the spitfire. Then the breeze blows Ophelia’s scent all up in my face, and I get a little boy stupid.

Woody decides he likes what he smells and wants to be closer, so I throw caution to the wind and wrap my arms around Ophelia’s tiny waist, leaning down to rest my chin on her shoulder, pulling her gently up against my chest before she can protest. I rotate my lower body, making sure Woody isn’t within poking distance, and Alice pounces, snapping off a close-up photo. I’ll be getting a copy of that one.

Ophelia’s body twists around. Our eyes meet, unsaid words float between us, while all I can think is how much I want to kiss her senseless—even more so with the way she is now eyeing up my mouth. Her lips are parting as though caught in a dream-like haze of thoughts.

I hear the continual soft click of Alice’s phone. She’s not missing a beat.

My right hand slides intimately over the perfect globes of her bubble butt while my left snakes up her back slowly like a lazy Saturday afternoon drive with the softest feathery touch, afraid I will startle her, and she will bolt like a wild mare.

Woody reacts in appreciation of all the possibilities, keeping him far enough away that he won’t arouse suspicion (there is always room for a pun) of the naughty thoughts my cock is having.

The world shrinks to the size of my deck. The sun is our witness, with the two of us at its center.

My left hand keeps on a determined path until I reach the back of her neck, my fingers caressing, not wanting this moment to get broken too early.

And then Alice comes closer and takes another photo.

And then another.

I will be getting copies of these as well, just to remember the look on Ophelia’s face before—“Ouch.” She stomps on my foot, teamed with a double-hand shove to my stomach, signifying the spell has broken, denoting she isn’tthatdrunk to drop her shields entirely. “Now why did you have to go and do that. Go on, admit it. You were enjoying our moment until you remembered you shouldn’t let yourself enjoy the moment.”

I would think she has had too much sun with the way her face is turning bright red, but no, that is her war with herself over denying this moment we were just having. I had her under my spell long enough for her to need to go on the defense.
