Page 36 of The Club Betrayal

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Not one brother disagrees, so I call for Mitch. The fed and his woman walk in behind him, and I grab one of Sparky’s smokes. Rolling it between my fingers, the urge to light it up nearly consumes me, but I’d rather live than die over something that won’t bring me any long-term satisfaction.

Jamie Boy sits back in his seat, while Austin stands where he is, his shoulders set.

“I hope you’ve made the right call,” the woman proclaims, not intimidated by any of us.

“That fed you’re so sure isn’t sniffing around us is currently beaten and tied up in a bathtub by a guy named Bert Collins.” They’re outsiders, so I’m careful how I word what I say next. “Bert believes we killed his son, and now he has one of our brothers.”

Her stone façade cracks slightly, and she steps closer to me. I don’t think she’s even aware she’s done it.

“He’s here because of Danny?” she whispers.

The fed moves behind her and squeezes her shoulders. There’s obviously a story there, but I don’t care to hear it.

“Help get our brother back and clear up the mess with the fed, and we’ll talk further.”

It’s the fed who speaks up. “We’ll need more than that. We want our son.”

“We’re not without means or inclination to fight to the death,” she adds.

“I’ll add something else, then. Make it so we definitely have no fed heat on us when we’re done, and you’ll get your son back.”

Holding her hand out, I take a beat before I reach out and shake it.

“We have a deal.”

Yeah, we do, but I didn’t say we’d return him alive, or that they’d leave the same way.

“Now we want to see him, make sure he’s okay.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Sparky says, clearing his throat. “The deal’s been made, now we move.”

“We’ll move once we’ve seen him.”

Christ, this woman doesn’t back down. She kind of reminds me of Alannah.

“You can video call him. Like I said, he’s not here.”

When she finally nods, I tilt my head toward Slade to set it up. The sooner this is over, the fucking better.

Chapter Fourteen


Aphone is thrust in my face. Leaning back as much as I can with the wall behind me, my mom’s face fills the screen.


The tightness around her mouth relaxes, but she doesn’t smile. She’s pissed. The camera swings to my father, and then both of them share the screen. When I realise they’re in the bar, I close my eyes and sigh.

I knew my dad was in town, but he said Mom wasn’t. I should’ve expected him to tell her what I was up to when I made Holly call him. And with them at the clubhouse, Holly managed to make the call successfully.

“I’m not even going to try and understand what the hell you think is it you’re doing here, but you’re most certainly going to explain it when we go home.”

Go home?

After everything I’ve been through, my heart hasn’t pounded so hard. When Cas called out my birth name, the thought of going home went up in flames.

“Hold tight. And for the love of all that’s holy, don’t get yourself into any more trouble.”
