Page 37 of The Club Betrayal

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JJ ends the call before I can pose my own questions, and shoves it into his back pocket.

“Not so tough now, are you, needing Mommy and Daddy to come save your ass,” he snipes.

I look over at Holly, and when she notices me watching her, she looks away. I know I deserve it, but I need her to know and believe how sorry I am.

“Holly, talk to me, please,” I beg.

“What’s there to talk about? I was taken against my will, punched repeatedly, tied up, had my hands torched, and now I’m being held by a bunch of bikers who seem to think I’ve been working against them because of you.”

“I’m so sorry…”

“So you keep saying, but it does nothing to make me feel better. You got me into this mess, and even if you get me out, I’ll never forgive you.”

I shouldn’t want her to forgive me. She’s going to be reminded of what happened to her every time she looks at her hands, but I do want it, and that makes me an asshole.

“The club will let you go. They’re just shook at the moment.”

Sweat pebbles across her forehead and drips down her cheek. Using her bandaged hand, she wipes it away, and I frown. She’s paler than she was this morning.

“How are you feeling?”

“Just fine,” she spits out.

The doors to the old mill open, and Zach and Leo walk in, laden with bags of takeout from the diner. Dumping it all on an old wooden table, I look back to Holly.

“Whatever happens, I’ll make sure the club knows you had nothing to do with this.”

“Forgive me if I don’t have much hope of them believing you.”

“She’s got a point, rat.”

Leo’s shadow looms over us. Digging out a wrapped-up burger from the bag, he crouches down in front of Holly.

“You must be hungry.”

“I’m not. Besides, I can’t exactly feed myself,” she snaps.

Dumping the food bag onto the floor, he unwraps the burger and says, “I was given a bottle of pain pills you’re gonna want soon. You shouldn’t take them on an empty stomach.”

I narrow my eyes, wondering what his game is. Why would he care about her?

“Just a couple of bites,” he urges, holding it up for her.

Leaning in, she takes a small bite, all while keeping her eyes on him. Chewing and swallowing her first bite, she takes another.

Nodding that she’s had enough, he backs off, tossing the half-eaten burger to the floor.

“Please, let me go. I have nothing to do with this, and I don’t feel so great. I need to go to the hospital.”

I can’t see his face, but he tilts his head to the side. Leo hasn’t been the same since India was killed; he’s quieter and colder. Having his attention on Holly now doesn’t sit well with me.

“It’s true. She had no idea what I was up to. And she’s right, she should be at a hospital.”

He spins around and glares at me. “It’s your fault she’s here.” Grabbing a bottle of water, he dumps it onto my lap, digs out her pain pills, and hands them to me.

Though it’s difficult with the restraints, I scoot closer to her, open the pill bottle, and shake two into my palm before opening the water. Raising my hands as high as I can, I put the pills into her mouth and hold the water bottle for her to swallow them down.

“You better hope Mommy and Daddy meet the terms for your life, or I’m going to enjoy ripping you apart,” Myles snickers from where he sits at the old wooden table, his feet resting atop it.
