Page 57 of The Club Betrayal

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They take us all in, Sparky donning a sweater from the hospital gift shop under his cut. Mom couldn’t stand to see dad’s blood on him any longer.

“Mrs. Jackson?”

Mom stands, and Luca rushes to her side, while I remain leaning against the wall.

“Your husband’s gunshot wound to the stomach punctured his left kidney. We managed to stop the bleeding and repair the damage the bullet caused, but—”

“Just fucking say it,” Sparky growls.

“We had to remove one of his kidneys.”

“But he’s alive?”

“He’s in the ICU, and the next twenty-four hours are critical.”

“Would you say it looks good?” Luca questions.

“I would say you should stay close, and if there’s anyone who would like to say goodbye, they should get here soon. I’m sorry I don’t have better news. My colleague here will take you to your husband.”

Mom whimpers, “No,” and Luca wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly.

Sparky meets my eyes, and I hear what he’s silently telling me. He hangs his head, and Slade and Ricky fall back into the chairs.

As the doctor waits patiently, I push away from the wall.

“I’m going to check on Rayna.”

I make it halfway down the corridor when Luca shouts out, “You’re fucking leaving?”

“Dad isn’t going anywhere, and I have a daughter to check on. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

There’s no way I’m standing around here just to witness everyone acting like he’s already dead.

* * *

News has spread around the club when I walk into the bar and straight back out when they look to me for answers. Or worse, want to offer their support and pity.

Sitting on the steps to the main house, Bonnie stands when she sees me heading her way.

“Holly is with Rayna up in her room.”

It’s all she says, and I appreciate her not trying to coddle me. Bonnie’s cool like that. She sees when you need space, and she knows when you need more.

The door to Rayna’s room is ajar, and I creep in quietly, closing it behind me. The room falls into complete darkness, with no moonlight spilling in. Rain begins to beat against the window, but all I see is Rayna curled into Holly as they both sleep soundly.

It shocked me when Rayna didn’t hesitate to toddle up to Holly and fall asleep on her yesterday. Holly was a stranger to her, but it reiterated that I was right to vouch for her, because for Rayna to feel so comfortable with her, she must be good.

Putting my phone on the charger, I ignore the countless texts from Luca, informing me how much of a pussy I am. Cracking open the window, I light a cigarette and inhale deeply. Closing my eyes, I blow the smoke out through the gap.

There’s no way my dad is going out like this. He’s made no show of hiding how he believed he would die by a bullet, but it won’t be this bullet that takes him. It just won’t. I told Holly I don’t plan, but it wasn’t quite true. While I don’t necessarily plan for the future, I do have some ideas. I know I’ll still be a brother, and I’ll still be fiercely protecting and raising my daughter. My position in the club has always been clear to everyone. I’m the son of the president, and was raised being groomed to take over when the time came, yet everyone knows I’m not ready. I don’t even have the mindset to want to lead the men like my father has all these years.

India still plagues me, and when I’m not drowning in guilt, I’m raising our daughter. I don’t have time to run a club.

“You’re back?”

Over my shoulder, Holly is sitting up, carefully repositioning Rayna into the middle of the bed.

“I just got back.”
