Page 105 of His End Game

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“I guess this is what Dad sees in us.” I grin.

He nods and says, “We’ll need to pull a plan together and make sure we’re able to pull it off before we take it to the table. It’ll be bloody and messy. It’ll be asking the brothers to fight like never before.”

“Can you think of a brother who won’t be up for it?”

He shakes his head. “I can hear Dad though… we fight on the defence, not the offence.”

“Yeah, I heard that myself while mulling this over. But he knew we’d make changes. This is the natural course. For our families to be the safest, we need to be at the top, and not just us, but every chapter.”

“I’m up for it. I reckon the Haywards will be more of a fight with money and contacts than bullets and blood.”

“Then we’ll meet them head-on. But we’ll wait for now and see how it goes. You head back to Dog City, keep clearing out the scum, and let the Haywards believe you’re still doing their shit work. I’ll hold it down here and concentrate on finding Effie.”

“This is going to be the long game, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, and it’s going to be fruitful.”

He holds out his fist and I bump mine to his, both of us smirking. The Lost Souls Motorcycle Club has held its own for decades. It will not fall now because of us.

Over my shoulder, I say another goodbye to India and release a heavy sigh.

“This is it, brother. We have it all, the club, our old ladies, kids, well mine is on the way, but still, I’ll be right at your side, ready for anything.”

Both of us stare down at our grandfather’s headstone. As his grandsons, we will not have our headstones dug into the dirt for many years to come.

“Let’s get back. I left Tor warm and soft in bed.”

“You know you don’t have to share every little thing about her?”

He snorts. “Fuck off, I’m proud to have her in my bed. And since you’ve got me all hyped up for a fight, I need to release it somehow.”

Laughing, we head for our rides and side by side, brothers by blood and patch, we ride away from the cemetery and on to the club. Times are going to be dark, most likely bloody, but I trust every brother with my life, with our patch.

Luca’s out of luck when we ride through the open gates. Victoria’s sitting on the front step of the house with Holly. Luca jerks his chin her way and she jumps up, going over to him.

“I’ll see ya before we leave,” he tells me and disappears into the bar.

I hold out my hand to Holly and a sense of home washes over me as her hand slips into mine.

“Where’s Ray?”

“With your mom.”

We walk around the back of the clubhouse, and it still blows me away with the progress of the house builds.

I stop us in the middle of the site. “You can either choose the house over at the end, or this one,” I say, pointing to the first house.

“Shouldn’t you choose?”

“I’m not fussy. It’s gonna be your home too, you pick.”

She looks between the two and points to the first plot. “Be less distance for you to stagger home after drinking with the brothers in the bar.”

Laughing, I wrap my arms around her as hers wind around my waist.

“I’m going to give you the world.”

“You are my world.”

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”

I have everything my dad once found for himself, but by the time I’m finished, once I’m ready to either step down and pass the gavel or I’m put in the ground, I’ll have more. The club is in my blood, and I won’t let the brothers, alive or dead, down.
