Page 54 of The Club Family

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“I will be if I can steal him away. That is, if you don’t mind.”

“Go ahead.”

They walk off, heading around to the back of the clubhouse, and the shitshow with Holly comes back to mind. Sighing, I light another cigarette to chase away the pit in my stomach. She deserves more than settling for someone like me. I have nothing to offer her apart from cash for looking after Rayna.

Hell, I have nothing to offer anyone.

Walking into the bar, I find Zara talking with another club girl on the couches, so I make my way over and jerk my chin for the club girl to disappear.

Zara’s eyes light up as she reaches out to take my hand to pull me down beside her.

“Who have you been talking to about what goes down between us?”

Her brows pinch together and she stands, moving too close for my liking.

“I haven’t said anything. Why, has someone said something?”

I won’t drop Holly’s name, so I say, “It doesn’t matter.”

I go to walk off when she tugs on my sleeve to stop me.

“I have to head into town soon, but I’m free for about an hour.”

Even if I wanted to, I doubt I could get my dick hard right now. I’ve only been with Zara after too much drink, in the middle of the night when no one’s around, and I can pretend it never happened the next day.

“I’m good. I’ll catch up with you another time.”

Before she can argue, I cross the bar and head into the basement.

Pulling up a chair from the table of tools, I face it toward the corner and sit.

Ten feet away from me is the last place I held India. The last place I kissed her, smelled her shampoo, felt her heart beating.

Pain rips through my chest, but I embrace it. What I wouldn’t give to go back to that night and hold her again. I was certain he was going to kill me, but I was wrong. Yet in some ways, I’m glad it was me left behind, because I wouldn’t want India to ever feel this kind of pain. But if I was granted the ability to time travel, I’d go back to the day I impulsively shot Ellis’s brother and make a different choice.

The door opens, and I frown when Dad and Sparky walk in.

Stopping short, Sparky asks, “What the fuck are you doing down here?”

“Just thinking.”

Dad isn’t so easy to hide shit from. He always seems to know everything without being told, so I have no doubt he knows it’s about India.

“What are you both doing down here? Does Mom and Aunt Bonnie have something to worry about?” I tease.

While Dad laughs it off, Sparky walks over and slaps me upside the head.

“Watch your mouth. We’re down here to make moves for the future.”

“Care to explain?”

“I want to build a tunnel from somewhere down here to the edge of the property line. If shit was to get out of hand, there’d be an escape, especially for Pope.”

“I hope you don’t expect me to fucking dig,” I snort, dreading the backbreaking work.

“Of course not,” Sparky huffs. “We have prospects.”

Dad sure is making moves, and they all seem to be happening at the same time.
