Page 55 of The Club Family

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Chapter Sixteen


I’ve been putting off speaking to Luca since my return, but it can’t wait any longer. I think he’s waiting for me to take the lead in my own time, and I think the time is now.

Jay and I married before I was close to anyone in the club, and if I had the choice now, I’d want to get married with everyone around, to share my day with the people closest to us. If one of them were to miss it, I’d be pissed.

I find them sitting under the large tree, Victoria lying between Luca’s legs, resting against him while he blows a long stream of smoke up into the air.

They truly are beautiful together. Dark and light. Soft and hard. They say opposites attract, and they’re proof of it.

“Do you mind if I join you?” I ask.

“Of course.” With her signature warm smile, she sits forward and tucks a flower into her hair. “So how are you doing? I bet you’re glad to be home.”

“I’m good,” I tell her. “I wanted to say I’m so happy you have your hearing back. It’s amazing.”

Her fingers brush the hearing aid as she smiles. “Thank you. I still can’t believe it sometimes.”

“I’m really sorry for missing your wedding. I fucking hate myself for not being there to celebrate with you guys.”

“Harper, you weren’t well. We understand,” she assures me, which makes me feel worse.

Victoria’s always been too kind for having lived around the club her whole life. She leans over and hugs me, and I pat her back in return before she pulls away and stands.

“I’ll leave you two to talk.”

Luca watches her until she disappears into the house, then turns his attention to me.

I jolt as the baby kicks hard against my ribs. Seeing this, Luca straightens, his face filled with concern.

“You okay? You in pain? Should I go get JJ?” he rushes out.

“No,” I giggle. “It’s just the baby kicking. It sometimes takes my breath away, but he’s stopped.”

“You haven’t got long to go now. You ready?”

“Apart from baby clothes, everything else is on order, and I’m more than ready.”

“That’s good.”

He looks off into the distance as the silence becomes awkward.

“Luca, I wish I could turn back time and be there for you on your big day.”

“I’ll admit, I was angry, but when we found out what you’d been going through, I felt bad. I wish you had come to us, to me. When I came to see you, I thought everything was okay.”

“That’s the thing with this illness. You have good days, and really bad ones. But now that you know, maybe you won’t miss the signs in the future.”

“Everyone will be keeping a close eye on you, that’s for sure. And I hear you sorted things out with Dad?”

I smile. “I did. I’m taking things a day at a time.”

“If it helps, know that he does take family seriously. I guess because you didn’t grow up here, it’s hard for you to see it. But once you understand that no matter what’s going on, if you truly need him, he’ll drop everything for you. You also have to understand that club business takes a lot of his time.”

“Yeah, I’m seeing that.”

“I don’t mean to be an asshole, but if you want his time, just go up to him and take it.”
