Page 58 of The Club Family

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“We were talking about the baby.”

Jay’s hand slowly rubs my thigh, and I move from my chair onto his lap. His arm wraps around my waist, his hand resting on my stomach. I take a moment to look at Leo and Jay. Knowing they’re going to be running things around here, I find myself excited for the possibilities the future will bring.

“I’ll get my card, and if you’re up for it, we can do some baby shopping online.”

“You sure you’re not needed here?”

“I’m good for a while. Leo will let me know if I’m needed.”

“Let’s go, then.”

We say goodbye to Leo, and I catch him staring at Zara, who’s staring back at him. Before Jay can pull me outside, I see her dart up the stairs as Leo rises from his chair.

What the fuck? I did not see that coming.

Chapter Seventeen


“You’ve got to have heard something?” I grunt down the line.

I can picture Ritchie shaking his head when he doesn’t reply.

“She’s laying low. The gang you’ve allied with certainly sent a message when they dumped nine of her men, dead, on her salon doorstep. And the guy you sent back? I heard you had him strung up outside her home.”

Hearing the admiration in his tone, I smile. I hadn’t told the twins to do it. That was all their creative egos.

“I’ll admit, it’s strange she’s been quiet for this long, but we’ve just got to wait her out. She’ll show her face at some point, and when she does, we’ll strike.”

“Well if you hear anything, let me know.”

“Will do.”

He ends the call, and I toss my phone on the desk. I escaped into my office a while ago to hide from the constant chatter and simmering tension rolling through the brothers.

Alannah walks in and sits on the desk, draping her legs around my chair.

“I saw Luca and Harper talking earlier. It looks like they’ve put the past where it belongs.”

“Yeah, they have.”

I know she was nervous to talk to him, but there was nothing I could say to squash her nerves. It was something she felt she had to do, and I’m glad it’s done with. Now we can all move forward and put shit right.

Hearing shouts coming from the bar, I sigh.

“I wonder what’s got them riled up now?” Alannah murmurs.

“I guess we’re about to find out,” I mutter, rising from my chair.

Taking her hand, she slips off the desk. We only make it to the hallway when a prospect comes running toward us.

“Whoa! Slow the fuck down.”

Is the place on fucking fire or something?

“They’re coming… they’re all coming!” he rambles breathlessly.


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