Page 65 of The Club Family

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I let myself into Harper’s room and kick off my boots, choosing to remain dressed in case trouble kicks off and I’m needed.

“Hey,” Harper murmurs sleepily.

Curling myself around her, I pull the sheets over us, pressing my lips to her bare shoulder.

Leo will find happiness again, but it won’t be with the likes of Zara.

“I love you so fucking much,” I whisper in her ear.

“Not as much as I love you.”

She strokes my hand resting on her belly. “I need to tell you something.”

My heart beats a little harder. Conversations beginning like this never end well.

“Go on.”

“I think something’s going on between Leo and Zara.”

Exhaling, I relax.

“You’re not wrong. I was just talking with him, and he was telling me it’s just sex.”

“The way I caught her staring at him, I don’t think she knows that.”

“According to him, she does. Regardless, I ran into her on the way up here and warned her off.”

“Why would you do that? It’s not your place.”

“Is it not?” I grunt. “He’s my brother, and I’m just looking out for him. Zara isn’t his end game.”

“And how can you know that?”

“Because I know him, and I know her. If they were meant to be, it would’ve happened a long time ago.”

“You don’t like her?”

“I don’t particularly think anything about her. But I don’t trust her. Not with him, anyway.”

“I’ll take your word about her. I don’t know her at all.”

Rolling onto her back, she hooks her legs over mine.

“He could just be after sex. India’s death has broken him, and I don’t think he’ll ever be whole enough to love someone again. Sex doesn’t have to involve any sort of feelings.”

Sighing, I slide my hand under my head and stare up at the ceiling.

“She’ll be playing games to get him. We have to keep an eye on her.”

“He’s my brother, so I’ll keep my eye on her. But if I see she’s genuine, I’ll leave her alone.”

“I’m not worried, because she’s not.”

I can feel her rolling her eyes, or maybe I just know her too well.

“Oh, and when I was talking with Cas, we were talking about his plans to step down and pass the gavel to Leo, and you being his VP.”

“I thought you said you were talking about the baby?”
