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Sugar melts on my tongue, and I try not to groan at the delicious, familiar flavor.

What would a visit to New Orleans be without indulging in a box of pralines? As the sweetness of the treat fills my mouth, I chew the nutty pecans and wonder if I’ll be able to keep from eating the rest before I meet up with Luna.

I’m so involved in the food experience that I almost miss that I’m being watched.

Across the way a guy leans back against a brick building, arms crossed over his chest, stare pointed at me. He’s either terrible at being incognito or not trying hard to remain inconspicuous.

What surprises me, more than the fact that the stranger is focused on me, is the guy’s face.

It’s familiar.

I don’t think I’ve seen him before, but I’d recognize those eyes, that nose, the cheekbones anywhere.

He looks like Luna. A lot like Luna.


That’s my best guess, unless my wife is hiding more relatives around the city. This has to be her twin brother. And the guy seems fascinated with me.

Did she get in touch with him?I know Luna planned to keep the inheritance payoff to herself for a stretch, but maybe she called her brother and told him she was in town. Or that we were.

As I tuck my wallet into my pocket, I ponder my next move.

I could keep on about my day and let Leo follow me until he gets bored.

Or I could introduce myself.

I’ve never been good at ignoring obvious things or acting like people don’t exist. When I step out on the sidewalk, I look both ways before jogging across the street.

“Hi. Leo, right?” I stop a few feet away, not sure how this exchange will go.

Luna’s brother keeps on a passive, mildly interested face, but from the way his eyes narrow, I can guess he didn’t expect to be approached. Or for me to know his name.

“Who’s asking?”

His defensiveness might put someone else off, but I’ve never minded being the one to lead a conversation. Maybe that’s the salesperson in me.

“I’m Charlie Keller. Saw you watching me from across the street.” No reason to dance around the truth. “Figured I’d come say hi.”

Leo laughs with a sharp, humorless bark. “Really? Thought you’d show me how big a man you are?”

“I—” That has me rocking back on my heels. Then I recall what I know about Luna’s past. The Lamont siblings haven’t had an easy time of it as far as I can tell.

Bet this guy is never too far from a fight.

“Yeah. You caught me, Charlie Keller. What the fuck are you gonna do about it?” He says my name with a dark twist. Like he knows something about me, and I try to remember if I have any skeletons in my closet that I should worry about.

There was that time I rolled through a stop sign because I was late for a meeting. But Leo can’t know about that.

“Did you need to talk to me about something?” I ask.

Leo shoves off the wall, stepping closer as if he means to intimidate me. Unfortunate for him, I’ve got a handful of inches on him, so he can’t loom over me. Still, I’m completely confident that Leo could beat the shit out of me if he gets the urge. I’ve never been much of a fighter. Luna could also kick my ass with ease. Paige too.

Better not start making that list because it’d go on for a while.

“I saw you with Luna,” Leo hisses. “Looking pretty cozy.”

When would he have seen us? Maybe he was watching Dash’s house. Or there have been those couple of times we’ve been around town together. Not sure what Leo means by cozy though. It’s not like we’re making out in public or anything.
