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No matter how much I wish we were.

While I’d prefer to have some kind of good relationship with Leo, I’m not going to let him pull this “Keep away from my sister or get a fist in the face” crap. Luna is a grown woman, fully capable of making her own decisions.

“What’s wrong with Luna and me getting cozy?”

Suddenly, I’m worried this is a race thing. I know that Luna and Leo and Dash’s mom is Taiwanese-American and their dad is white. But being mixed race doesn’t mean Leo can’t still hold my darker skin against me.

He bares his teeth, growling his next words. “My sister isn’t some side piece.”

I rock back on my heels. “What?”

Leo sneers down at my hands, and I follow his focus to pick up on what’s captured his attention.

My wedding ring.

And that’s when I know Luna has told her brother absolutely nothing about what’s going on.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Luna is going through all this effort to save Leo, and he doesn’t even know. He should, shouldn’t he? The guy is going to need to know there will be a massive change in his life a year from now. Maybe he could start preparing for it.

Or maybe Luna already has the timing figured out, and she’s holding out so as not to give Leo false hope.

False hope about me.

Because I’m the one point this whole plan hinges on. I could leave her at any moment and send the house of cards tumbling down.

Luna trusts me enough to marry me, but not enough that she’ll tell her brother about the arrangement.

Maybe that should make me angry. But I’m just sad.

And determined.

A lot of people have let Luna down in the past, but I will not be one of them. I have the sudden urge to prove that to her, here and now.

But she’s not here, only Leo. Still, I can make a claim.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think I introduced myself properly.” I hold my hand out for him to shake if he’s willing. “I’m Charlie Keller. Luna’s husband.”

His new brother-in-law, I realize.

This man and I are tied together. Same with Dash. Whether they’re thrilled by the new addition or not, I’m their brother now.

From the shocked expression on Leo’s face, I think the guy needs some time to come to terms with the fact.

“We haven’t been married long,” I assure him. “Only a few weeks.”

Leo blinks, and I catch a flash of emotion just before he shuts down his features.


Shit, I wasn’t trying to ruin the guy’s day.

“You’re fucking with me,” he deadpans.

“I’m not, but I understand if you don’t believe me. It was a courthouse thing. Just us and a couple of witnesses. Still, go ahead and ask Luna. She’ll back me up.” And maybe hearing that I told her brother about us will help dispel some of her remaining concern.

Leo paces a few steps away from me, ruffling his hair with angry hands. He even moves like his sister, and the déjà vu throws me.

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