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Since I joined them, their numbers were finally even.

“She’s right. I don’t think I was brave enough to go all the way to the top my first time around. You’ve got some steel ovaries.” Scarlet taps the back of her hand against my stomach. Little joyful-friendship sparks scatter through my body at the contact.

“Youhaveto join our bouldering team next semester. Our fourth bailed at the last minute, and even though Scarlet, Walter, and I kicked ass, we didn’t have a high enough combined score to take home the win.”

Black curls escape a tight knot at the top of Callie’s head, and Walter absentmindedly fiddles with them as he sits with his arm around her shoulders.

My eyes catch on the movement, and a bit of longing tugs at my heart. Not because I’m interested in Walter. Only because I’m wondering where Nathan is and how much longer I’ll get the chance to experience his little gestures of affection.

To keep my mind off those thoughts, I focus back on the conversation. “What’s bouldering?” All this foreign terminology has me feeling like I’m learning a new language.

“It’s where you climb without ropes. But only to a certain height. Not all the way up the wall,” Scarlet speaks as if only half her mind is on the conversation. She stands up from her chair, scanning the crowd of students who are milling around the dining hall, carrying plates piled with pizza and fries.

“And they tape off certain routes. So, you have to use the same holds as your competitors to get to the same place,” Callie chimes in.

“Sounds like fun.”

Today’s excursion, paired with the possibility of more in the future, has my blood pumping with excitement. This must be what Nathan experiences when he shows up at the preschool to help those kids out.

“What’re you doing tonight, Hannah? FYI, the right answer is, hanging with your two new friends and watchingSupernatural.” Scarlet is still focused elsewhere, even as she gestures between herself and Callie. Seems she’s mastered the elusive ability of multitasking.

It’s silly, but her offer makes me want to cry.

Happy cry.

Friendship often seems like a simple thing, but when you go for a long stretch without it and then someone starts to incorporate themselves into your life, the joy of the connection is indescribable.

“Yes. Definitely.”

“Am I invited?” Walter hooks his foot around Callie’s chair, sliding her closer until she’s almost in his lap.

“Oh, sweetie. I love you, but no. No boys allowed. I can’t have you stifling me as I lust after a fictional man.” She kisses both his cheeks as he rolls his eyes.

The exchange, while adorable, is also extremely comforting. Alexis would never choose to hang out with me over spending time with her boyfriend. It’s one of the reasons we barely talk other than a passing hello when we’re both in the apartment. That Callie is willing to make time for other people gives me hope that this could turn into a real friendship.

“Hey! Hey you!” Scarlet yells, making me jump.

Callie and Walter don’t even flinch, so I guess they’re used to her shouting randomly.

A whole mob of heads turns our way, but Scarlet gives them all a frustratedI’m not talking to youwave.

“You! Hannah’s boy toy!”

Oh shit. My face explodes in a heated blush when I realize the person Scarlet is shouting at is none other than Nathan Cooper.

He stares at Scarlet from his spot in line, confusion dipping his brows until his eyes trip over to me. Then, a wide grin splits his face, and he lifts a hand in a wave.

I’m barely able to manage one in return, mortified at the amount of people staring at our group.

“Yeah, we’re over here! Come sit with us when you have your food!” Scarlet waits until he gives her a thumbs-up, and then she settles back into her chair and picks up her fork with a satisfied smile. “So, since Hannah is joining us for the first time, we have to start with season one,” the redhead talks as if she didn’t just announce to the entire dining hall that Nathan is my human plaything.

And I think I’m realizing that this is something I’ll need to get used to with Scarlet as my friend.

Embarrassing but worth it.

Also, when Nathan approaches our group, grin still in place, I find myself grateful for her high-handed ways.

He leans down to whisper, “Hey, Shorty,” in my ear before settling in the chair beside me. “How was climbing?” This he says louder, offering the question to the table.
