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At my confirmation, Hannah finally stops staring through the glass and instead gazes up at me. “How’d you do it?”

Knowing she’s still within hearing distance, I throw my thumb over my shoulder to point at the shop owner. “You see, Maggie and I know each other. Her son, Oliver, is in Kid Kare. I might have promised her a few free nights of babysitting in exchange for this little favor.”

The woman bustles over to us, beaming. “Well, it’s not like I took much convincing. You’re Oliver’s favorite. Besides, I’m a sucker for a grand, romantic gesture.” Maggie reaches into the case and slides a hearty slice of The Hannah Smalls onto a plate, setting it on the counter for us. “And did he tell you the best part?”

Mute, Hannah shakes her head.

“He’s covered all your future Hannah Smalls slices. You never have to pay for a piece of yourself again!” The grinning woman claps her hands together.

I’ve only spared half my attention for the shop owner. Sweat beads under my collar as I wait for some kind of reaction from Shorty. Maybe athank you? Or a chuckle? Even a small smile would work.

Instead, I get shouted at.

“You made me a pie!” Shorty wrenches her hands from mine and then proceeds to launch herself into the air in order to wrap her arms around my neck. “I love pie!”

I catch her, holding her against my chest as she slings her legs around my waist and peppers my face with kisses. The embrace radiates with joy, and most of my unease evaporates.

But I still need one questioned answered.

“So … since you’re a pie … will you consider staying?”

Other ideas, ways to convince her Virginia and I deserve a second chance, begin to form in my mind.

“I’ll stay.”

My thoughts stutter to a halt for a moment. As I try to come to terms with getting my way, Maggie applauds in the background, and Hannah laughs in my arms.

“Really? You’ll come back next semester?”

She nods, and the tension in my chest evaporates.

“Now, put me down, so I can eat a slice of me!” She practically bounces when I set her on her feet. “I bet I’m delicious.”

Hannah gives Maggie a thank-you before picking up her piece of pie, grabbing two forks, and settling down at a table.

I follow along behind her, pulling the second chair around so I can sit with my thigh pressed against hers, my arm resting behind her back.

Then, I lean in close enough to smell the pear scent that is all Hannah and brush her long black hair behind her ear, so I can whisper to her, “I look forward to having a taste of you every single day.”

Her dark eyes glitter with mischief as she grins and holds a forkful of pie to my mouth. “Bite me.”



“Where are you going?We still have three more chapters!” Carl’s eyes are full of panic as I stand up from the table.

“Keep your shorts on. I’ll be right back.” I do my best to smile reassuringly and leave most of my stuff with him, so he knows I’m not trying to bail in the middle of our study session.

Carl doesn’t seem to realize how happy he made me when he asked me to be study buddies for our Chemistry final.

I don’t know if Nathan was right about my classmate having a crush on me, but I do know I’ve added another friend to my slowly increasing social group.

No way am I abandoning him. However, I just saw a tall, rumpled, handsome education major stroll through the library’s lobby, and I have some news he needs to hear.

The paper in my hand crumples slightly as I grip it. Even though I get the urge to sprint after him, knowing he’s going to reach The Chair before I do, I keep to a sedate pace. Doesn’t matter if I get there before him when I promised Carl I’m coming back.

When I round the corner, Nathan is just lowering himself into the cushy leather. His eyes skim over the room and crease at the corners with his smile when he spots me. That mischievous smile turns into a smirk, and he waves a finger at me.
