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“Not this time, Shorty. I beat you here, fair and square.”

I let him revel in his triumph for only a moment as I skip up to his side. “Look how quickly you forget. Trying to weasel your way out of a promise?”

His lips drop to a frown as his eyes remain curious. “What promise might that be?”

“I seem to remember a certain Friday night where I was completely happy, reading in this very chair, when you rudely interrupted me.” I perch on the armrest, wearing a smirk of my own. “Now, my tricky Lucifer”—I comb my fingers through his messy hair, affectionately toying with him as he tries to appear grumpy—“do you recall how you got me to abandon my seat?”

He grumbles a word that sounds a lot likeyesandthen reaches to pick up his bag, ready to shift his ass out of my rightful throne.

The pout on his lips is too cute. Before he can stand up, I bend over to steal a kiss. Only, normally, when you steal something, the goal is to get in and get out fast. But I can’t seem to retreat. Instead, I linger, leaving myself vulnerable to his grabbing hands. Nathan drags me off my perch and into his arms. For some time, we sit, wrapped up together, our mouths exploring one another.

It takes me a moment to wade through my lust fog, mainly because Nathan is kissing me like I’m hanging off a ledge and his lips are all that’s keeping me from plunging to my death. That desperate passion is what reminds me of the paper in my hand.

He doesn’t seem ready to give up anytime soon. Reluctantly, I pull back and cover my mouth with my hand before he can dive back in and lull my mind into distraction.


Nathan gazes, unfocused, at my hand before dragging his eyes up to me. “Pause?”

“Yes. Pause. I need you to hold off on kissing me and read this.” I shove the paper in between us.

He slides it from my grasp and peers down at the typed words. After a moment, Nathan skips his stare up to me, one eyebrow curved up in question. “It’s a class schedule.”

“Yep.” I lean forward to see the text and point out the name on the top of the sheet. “It’smyclass schedule. For next semester.”

Nathan doesn’t respond right away. We sit quietly—him engrossed in the paper and me locked on him.

His silence makes me itchy.

Maybe I misjudged Nathan’s feelings. Maybe the pie was just a silly joke rather than a grand, romantic declaration. Maybe the heartbreak is going to happen sooner than I thought.

“You’re gonna lose on Wednesdays.”


When Lucifer raises his head, his face almost splits in half from the jaw-cracking grin he’s wearing.

“Your Wednesday class. It ends a half an hour after mine. Better say good-bye to The Spot because this sucker is mine.” Nathan cackles evilly, and I laugh along with him while pretending to shove him.

“Dream on, Lucifer. I’ll use every weapon in my arsenal to defeat you.”

He tosses the paper to the side and catches my hands against his chest. “I might be convinced to give it up. But you’ll have to bereallynice to me.”

My retort is cut off when he tilts his head to place a hot, openmouthed kiss on my neck. I expect him to keep on with hisinappropriate for the librarycaresses, but instead, he grips my hair, gently wrapping it around his wrist and holding me inches away.

“You’re staying? For real?”

All joking is gone from his expression. Instead, I see the same vulnerability that lurks deep in my chest reflected in his face.

“I belong here. Sorry it took me so long to realize it.”



Five Months Later

For someonewho got so pissed off at me for falling asleep in this chair, Hannah doesn’t seem to have any issues with taking a nap herself.
