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I had done absolutely nothing wrong when I looked at the situation past my prudish ways.

And that man owed me an apology.

I marched around the mountain of half naked male perfection that was my salt and pepper twins and stomped back to the backyard to confront him.

I tried not to think about how ridiculous I was going to look with my high beams on for all to see, but failed miserably.

"Shit," one twin whispered frantically.

"You can say that again," the other one whispered back.

I barely even heard them.

Chapter Four

What An A-Hole

My feet skidded to a halt and I stared up at the porch with wide, unbelieving eyes. "Oh my," I whispered in either shock or horror. I couldn't be sure which.

Quinton stood behind Marcus, holding his arms taut behind his back. Marcus struggled against Quinton's hold, but was unable to break free. Rain stood in front of Marcus, delivering blows one after the other.

I watched in horror as Rain nailed Marcus first in the stomach, then his fist landed with a sick crack against Marcus's jaw.

Yup, it was definitely horror and not shock I was feeling.

"Stop!" I screamed.

No one listened to me, of course.

My feet were finally able to move, thank goodness, and I raced around the porch. I sprinted up the stairs two at a time, my boots pounding against the wood of each step.

Trenton and Simon stood at the top of the stairs with their arms spread out wide, trying to stop me from going any further. The idiots were far too loyal to Rain, and on any other day I would have appreciated it.

Today it only served to piss me off greatly.

"Get out of my way or I'm going to hurt you both," I snapped, and this time the threat was actually real and one I had every intention of following through on.

Either the command from me or my tone of voice did the trick, because both of the brothers held up their palms in surrender and stepped aside, allowing me to pass through.

I'd deal with them both later. This shit would not slide, dammit.

I heard the twins thunder up the stairs behind me, sounding like a herd of angry beasts.

Good, I might need them.

Quinton had let Marcus go and now stood slightly removed from the two older men. He watched me warily, almost as if he were afraid of me.

Good, finally he was showing he had a working brain in his head after all. Another person whose ass I would need to kick later for this outrageous bullshit he was pulling.

Rain and Marcus hadn't even noticed my approach and were now grappling with each other. I couldn't tell who had the upper hand, but Marcus looked worse for wear. He had a cut across his left eyebrow that was gaping and bleeding profusely, the blood running down into his eye. The other eye was almost swollen shut and there was a red welt across his left cheekbone that was already starting to swell. His bottom lip was also split open wide and looked incredibly painful.

I'd pity the man if he hadn't spoken to me the way that he had. Still, I didn't think he quite deservedthis.

Rain, I noticed, didn't have a single mark on him.

I shot Quinton a nasty look and snapped at him, "Stop this, you idiot. Before it gets any worse."

Quinton eyed me with his lip curled in disgust before he sighed unhappily.
