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"Fine," he grumbled, and I wanted to smack him.

He flicked his wrist at the two older men and they went sailing. The railing let out a loud, thunderous crack as the wood split when Marcus and Rain crashed through it.

"Dad," I screamed, as I raced to the edge of the porch where the railing was now entirely missing. I looked down and there they were amongst the wood that had once been the railing, sprawled out on the grass and groaning miserably.

They were alive and in one piece, which I suppose is all that mattered at the moment.

I turned my back on them, because I honestly wanted nothing more to do with either of them now that they'd stopped fighting.

"Grab my bag and the shovel," I called out sweetly to the twins. They both nodded in unison, doing their weird twin thing I found so much comfort in because I was a freak. "I'll meet you out front in a minute."

Without a question, argument, or kicking up a fuss of any sort, they headed back down the stairs to do as I asked. Weird for them, but totally appreciated at the moment. We were definitely going to finish what we started later. I couldn't wait.

I walked across the porch to the sliding glass door, ignoring the three people left on the porch with me. Three people whose eyes I felt burning into me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Trenton demanded to know.

God, he was worse than Quinton most of the time now.

I raised my middle finger high and waved it around in his direction. If he didn't get my point then he was a moron. And no way was I allowing him or his idiot brother to join us on our little burial excursion.

Quinton grabbed hold of my wrist, cutting my bird off mid-flight. I jerked my wrist out of his hold, not wanting him to touch me at the moment. Later, when I wasn't so angry, we'd talk this through and it'd be okay for him to touch me again. Right now, I kind of wanted to kick him in the dick, and maybe I would have if I didn't like the stupid appendage so much. Then again, kicking him in the dick wasn't exactly the same as cutting it off. I'm sure it would still work just fine after he iced it down for a few hours.

So very tempting.

"What are you doing digging holes in my yard?"

I gaped at him.

Was he high on drugs right now?

"You..." I sputtered in outrage before whipping around and pointing angrily at the giant-sized hole inhisstupid yard. "You want to complain about a tiny hole, one that has been covered up, I might add, when you've got a freaking crater inyourbackyard?"

He flinched at theyour,and I knew my point had come across loud and clear. He'd made such a big deal out of it being my home too, he didn't get to claim the yard all to himself now.

"That's for a pool, and it's for you," he said, his voice so reasonable I want to scream. "You don't get to complain about that. It's going to be a gift. Foryou. Now, tell me what you buried in the other hole."

"A jar I don't want dug up, so you had better not touch it," I immediately shot back. "If you dig it up, I'm going to be very upset with you. And don't mention it to anyone else."

I eyed him up and down in a not so nice way that made him scowl at me.

"What the hell is your problem now?" he snapped at me.

Loaded freaking question, if I’d ever heard one. I'd stick with the most recent of them. Well, one of the most recent ones.

"I can't swim, asshole. I don't want a stupid pool. You should probably just fill the hole back in before I'm tempted to drop your dead body down there and fill it up with cement."

If looks could kill, I'd be a very dead girl right about now.

What an A-hole.

I flung the sliding glass door open with more force than necessary, and the fact one of the glass panes didn't shatter seemed like an absolute miracle. Given my shitty mood, something was liable to break around here.

"You're being a first-rate asshole," I informed Quinton angrily. "You do know that, right?"

Quinton and I did not work very well together when either one of us had a bad attitude. Our fights could get ugly, but we always still loved each other afterwards. Our relationship was weird and very dysfunctional. Even I was willing to admit that.

"Maybe I'm being a first-rate asshole because a member of the Council came intoourhome and threatenedyou.And you didn't even bother to call me and tell me about it. Instead, I had to hear about it from your loyal bodyguards and I. Am." He leaned into me until we were nose to nose. "Fucking.Pissed."
